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13 years ago

Little footsteps were heard running down the stairs
And a little child's laughs echoed through the Russos mansion

"Leo!Leo is chasing me, Daddy! Help me!" The little girl screamed and jumped in her father's arms, who stared at his kids in amusement

It was a rare sight to see his oldest son laugh, and it always made his day when he caught him playing with his sister

That boy was wiped for the toddler,and as much for the father's disliking, the little girl's favorite person remained her oldest brother

The number of times
Lucaso tried to lure the little baby to make him ,her favorite was hilarious,

Actually, the whole family had tried, but as much as Little Kiara loved her family,no one can replace her Lion King

Leo hated kids,he saw them as little,sweaty attention seeking brats,

But his princess was an expectation,he would burn the whole world for her if she told him to,without hesitation

But I moment had come that Little Kiara hasn't ever imagined that it would happen

Leonardo had to leave for a whole week for an important work, and that meant leaving his little baby

He was already upset,and the 5 years old didn't make it easy for him

She kept clinging in to him all morning and even made him wait for her outside ,when she went to the bathroom and called his name to see if he was still there

And now, when was it time to leave for the airport
The little girl had locked her little arms on his neck and was crying her lungs out

"Baby, please stop crying now." he kept on soothing her
At this point, she would get sick from crying too much

"No,Leo don leav me!"She said, crying and tightening her hold on him

Leo nodded his head towards his father to come and get her so that he could leave

Lucaso grabbed her from Leo's hands and brought her close to his chest
When she continued to sobe on her father's shoulder

Leo kissed her forehead one last time and left towards the airport


Leonardo was sitting in the private jet while watching the buildings, becoming smaller and smaller

He wanted nothing more but to turn the plane around and cuddle with his princesse, but he knew he couldn't

Someone had stolen 80% from their company in German,so he had to go and deal with it, or they would lose a big amount of money

At the mansion

"Kiara,baby, wake up."
The little girl opened her eyes when she heard her mother's voice
But she wasn't in a mood for anyone

The past week had been the worst for her
She had lost her favorite jacket,she wasn't in a mood to eat so she hadn't eaten in 3 days,and that worried her family a lot

The main reason for this, of course, was that her king Leo was gone

Athena had bought her favorite chocolate chip cookies, but she refused it

Now, her whole family was in her room begging the little girl to eat something

"Ara,I'm going to call Leo if you don't eat," Jeremy said while making her sit on his lap

"But,I wan Leo to feed me." She winned at least 100 times this week

"Kiki,Al is not going to play with you anymore if you don't eat," her twin said angrily and turned his back to his sister

"Ally,Nooo!" The little girl immediately went and hugged her twin as she heard these words

Her favorite person wasn't here, and now her other favorite person wasn't going to play with her

Them suddenly Kyle had enough of this, and he pulled his phone out and went outside to call his big brother

As much as he hated when Kiara said that her favorite person was Leo, he couldn't help but feel jealous, but he knew that he was the second fav after Leo

So he didn't complain much

He has been calling Leo for the past 15 minutes
and he was about to go inside

When his phone vibrated

"Kyle? What is it! Why are you calling? Is my baby girl fine?" And again, his only thought was that
Something happened with his little sister

"Actually,yes, Kiara is -"
He couldn't even finish his sentence when his brother started screaming at him

"WHAT!How is she?Is she fine?Wait for me at the airport. I'm coming."

"Wait, Leo--Hey?HELLO!"
He had cut the line
Now they have to deal with a worried Leonardo

He sighed. It's gonna be a long day

 It's gonna be a long day

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