50k 🥂🥳

1K 27 4

Yayyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!! It's 50k finally!!!!! Thank you thank youuuu soo muchh you all........
I never even thought that I'll get 50k damn I'm sooo happy right noww

I can't even describe how much, I know there are alot of grammar mistakes, spelling mistakes but you all still read it. You all wait for me to post next part idk how the story is going you're liking it or not but you still reading , thank you so much it means alot to me

Thank you for them who always vote and comment to encourage me and even to those l silent reading thank you for reading my story, I hope this story will grow more and more

And do tell me how's the story guys!!!!💜
Love you all 💜
Take care of yourself 💗
Stay happy and healthy always 🫂

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