VI| Music to Me Ears

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Y’know I really wanted to test some of the scenes for accuracy, but it’s a fanfic with mermaids, witches and magic and all that so I guess anything is possible if the sea goddess is on our side lmao

( no but seriously, i really want everything to be scientifically accurate, but I obviously can’t just go to the nearest military basement with a sledgehammer, so I’m just kinda hypothesizing here and yoloing.)
(atleast, if ever my guesses are inaccurate, I don’t think I’ll hurt anyone with it, I hope)
[everyone point and laugh]


Keep a weather eye open - to look out and be cautious
Chain shot - cannonball with chains
Brig - prison in a ship


     A droplet falls on his tanned skin, and more droplets follow after as the clouds start to darken above them.

     The rain trickles down from the sky as Kai watches the ship dissolve into none but smoke. Absolutely nothing is left. Every hand on both vessels has gone quiet after witnessing such horror. Most didn’t even dare to move and utter words of exclamation, only few acted to shield the powders. Before anyone knew it, it had become dark and foggy.

     “Keep a weather eye open,” Yang commanded, and so everyone started to ready their positions as they held their breaths.

     Cole unsheathes his broadsword, stepping back and closer to the mast. Pixal does the same as she loads her musket.

     Kai whispers to Cole, “untie me.”

     The noiret shakes his head. “We’ll keep you guarded.”

     “Untie me!”




     Suddenly a hum emits from what seems to be nowhere as it echoes through the air. It’s enticing. The baffled pirates scatter around as they try to find the source of the sound. 

     Subconsciously, Nya reaches out to grab her brother’s hand, and earns a comforting squeeze in return. 

     “Stay close to me, Walker,” Lloyd whispered to Jay, who in return eyed him.

     “Don’t worry, I don't think I can go anywhere.” The ginger earns a violent nudge.

     The humming continues to fill in the air as it intensifies, then, it fades into one corner. The mates stumble themselves onto the port side of the ship as the crew on the smaller vessel converge with them from their starboard. They all peek over the railings, trying to see the owner of the voice.

     The seven others at the mast, Yang, and the quartermaster stayed behind, only gazing from afar.

     It’s an obvious trick, Kai isn’t sure how he knew that. A part of him whispered to him that he remembered it from the times when he used to live underwater, but he pushed the thought back as he didn’t want to believe what he’s going up against.

     As if on cue, as if the gods are playing with him, Kai tears his eyes away from the sailors to his direction, where there lays a beautiful woman with scales covering most of her that shone like polished stones thanks to the trickling rain. She tilts her head as she deeply stares at the brunet.

     “Follow sweet children, I’ll show thee the way, through all the pain and the sorrow.”

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