Extra| I Have No Regrets

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remember when Lloyd got yeeted to the ocean in one fine evening?

sauce box - mouth



    As always, the moon is as bright as ever. There’s no clouds apparent in the sky and so the diamonds are bestowing the Destiny’s Bounties with a beautiful sight. The late evening breeze is cold, and so are the rippled stars and moon in the water.

    The cold ocean is incredibly hellish, painful like tiny ice shards prickling against every inch of skin. Even the scalp.

     Lloyd would describe it as that. His teeth are actually chittering like how he heard from the story books, not only that, his whole body is actually shivering. The open wind bullying him as he stands on the main deck is not helping.

    “You looked like my cat trying to climb out of the bathtub when you ascended through the ladders.”

    “T-that’s, that’s very n-ni-nice of you, Jay-y.” Lloyd glares at his friend all the while Kai tightly wraps a blanket around his vibrating figure. “W-was-was your ca-cat ab-br-abruptly taken-n away while… sssleepin-ng too?”

     “Can you walk?” Kai asked, now that he’s done wrapping the poor guy made like a burrito.

    Lloyd barely shakes his head. “F-fucking can’t mo-move, Mr. Kai.”

    “Do you want to head back to the berth?” Nya ascends from the lower stairs with a blanket on her arms, following after her is Zane and Cole with faces evident of having just woken up.

    Lloyd shakes his head again, a bit more visible this time. Kai slowly sets the guy down on the ground and lays the blond’s back on the wall.

    “Bunch of assholes,” The burnet muttered as he started ruffling Lloyd’s hair dry with the blanket Nya handed him.

    “Words of the parrot say ye got thrown over the ship.” Zane approaches them with a stern-yet-sleepy look.

    Lloyd scoffs. “You tHINk?” His voice cracked, earning a few stifled laughs. “I heard that.”

    “I’m sorry,” Jay giggled, waving his hand. “It’s just that —”

    “You tHINk,” Cole imitated.

    “Hey come on, give the guy a break.” Kai finishes floofing the blond locks up and drapes the towel on Lloyd’s head.

    “He already took a swim, he’s fine.” Nya smiles at Lloyd’s face as the other two continue to hold back their giggles. “He’s got his break.”

    The blond rolls his eyes in annoyance. “You better shut your sauce-boxes before I get your asses thrown over this girl, aye?” He aggressively points at each of them, including Zane (who’s been smiling at him the whole time.) “What if I got full custody of this ship? Mr. Walker, you are first in line.”

    “Very frightening, capt’n,” Jay chuckled as he slumped down beside his friend. Kai takes the other side, shuffling close to Lloyd to provide warmth for both of them.

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