XV| Into the Eye of the Storm

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Chuckaboo - nickname to a close friend
One sheet in the wind - mildly drunk
Broadside - vulnerable part of the ship


     Ah, the morning breeze is beautiful. Nothing beats the sight of the sun after a long extreme night. The way the sky is painted with a gentle blue, pair it with white scattered clouds shaped into tiny ducks. Bawk bawk, said the duck.

     “Seeing the sun sure is nice,” sighed out a certain ginger basking under the said sun. “Isn’t that right, chuckaboo?”


     "Yeah.” He nods. “You don’t get to see such a view either in the port city,” he mused as he turned his head to look down at the chicken comfortably nestled beside him. “You should have a name. Would you like something exquisite?”




     “Sparks? Because you send sparks and all that. Oh, Taranis?”


     “No? Then… Greg?”

     The hen stares at him, quite too rudely for the ginger’s thinking.

     “You hate that, umm…” He throws his eyes around as his mind wanders through a list of names suitable for a bird. He considers Cock , but he thinks that’s too inappropriate. And then he thinks of Elizabeth or Bro , but they don’t sound appealing at all. Next thing he considers is rowboat , because somewhere in his peripheral there is a distant boat paddling towards their direction.


     “Like it’ll take a noun for a name,” joked Lloyd as he boredly carves a large stick into a spear while boring his eyes devoid of emotion into his failing business. He’s trying to make a weapon suitable for catching a fish. This is his second stick, the first one broke in half. The campfire is still ongoing right beside him by the way, weirdly enough.


     “Let him be, his name is literally Jay Walker ,” said Nya, also doing the same activity as Lloyd, and intensively glaring at her work instead.

     “There’s a boat!”

     As that effectively piqued their interest, both heads turn to follow where Jay’s finger is pointing at. Advancing to the island, there they see two men riding on a boat; one noiret paddling, and one brunet waving both hands into the air shouting their names.

     Lloyd sighs. “Looks like we’re playing heroes today,” he mumbled under his breath as Nya slipped into a fit of rage by throwing her stick to the ground, growling, and stomping towards their visitors.


     “You think you’re funny, huh?!” A bellow of rage Nya escaped, piercing the crying older  brother’s back with fierce slaps wielding the same power as her anxiety last night.

     Amidst her motherly curses, Kai begs, “Nya, c-calm down! OW!”

     “Calm down?! You want me to calm down?!” She violently shakes him by the collar. “Boy you’ve got some nerve coming back here!”

     Kai screams.

     Jay feels something crawl on his skin as he watches the scene before him. The relationship of siblings. He’s heard tales of how siblings are often at each other’s throats. Sometimes, when one sees people attempting to make each other trip on their foot, they guess that the subjects are either enemies or siblings. Jay doesn’t have a sibling. He doesn’t think he’d want a sibling either. He’s seen siblings before but he’s never seen anyone go for it like Nya and Kai.

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