Chapter 9

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Draven's POV

Mother came in and I could tell by the look on her face her conversation with Dawn had not gone well.

"It is obvious why the Goddess chose her for you. Very few humans have ever had the strength of will to fight the bond to the point their body rejects both the mark and the bond."

"What does that mean woman?" I had little patience at the moment.

"Like I told you earlier her mark is not healing, the skin around the edges of your bite have gone necrotic. She is actively fighting against it, and if she continues to do so eventually, slowly she will die. And then son so will you. She has no will to live, she is waiting to die, said she doesn't care how but she will be free again. If that doesnt change there is only one place this ends."

I let out an anguished howl before storming past my mother and out into the yard. I shifted quickly enjoying finally not having to operate that awkward human body. Back on four paws the wind rushing past me as I run harder than I ever have before. It felt like something inside was slowly crumbling as the words sunk it, my mate would rather die than let the bond take hold. I hadn't anticipated that.

My father had forced his mark on my mother. I knew this, and she had always made me, well Dax, promise he would never do that. She said she loved my father but that their relationship would always be slightly damaged by his actions. Mother had accepted the bond, though she made father wait forever to even be allowed to hug her after that, she accepted him and the bond and let it grow. Dawn was refusing to do that and it would cost us both our lives.

Imagine that the big, bad wolf went and fucked everything up.

Shut up Dax I'm handling things since you couldn't.

Handling things right off a cliff as per usual.

You think you could've done better! You let her escape for Goddess sake!

I would've left her with her friends and family.

You would've rejected our true mate and risked killing me. Not to mention snubbing your nose at our entire lineage.

It's what she wanted, she was begging us to, and you just couldn't not be a selfish animal.

You knew once I smelled her on Ace and Luke I would never leave her there. Especially not with that other male all over her.

He made her happy. We could of at least tried dating or whatever it is humans do. You knew from Kain that the way you are acting would not work.

Fine Dax when we get back to the packhouse you can take over and try to make her want to live again. I'll give you two days, and then I will make mother put her on a feeding tube.

I shut him out and ran for another hour before heading back. And as promised gave him back control as we walked back into the house.

Dawn's POV

It had felt like an eternity since I heard the soul rending howl rip through the house. I heard the bedroom door slowly open and watched the light from the hall illuminate the wall I was facing.

"Dawn, hey Dawn are you awake?"

I said nothing and tried not to move any muscle in acknowledgment.

"Dawn it's Dax. Draven went back inside for a bit."

"Dax?" I couldn't help but respond.

I felt the bed dip behind me.

"Yeah Dawn it's me. I am so sorry for what Draven did, for everything he did. I would've left you to your life Dawn but he just couldn't."

I heard him sigh before he continued, "There truly is nothing that can be done now, and I can never apologize enough for that, but please don't give up. I know you don't feel what I do and that's ok, but I love you Dawn literally cannot exist without you now. Even Draven for all he is loves you deeply, and that love drives his fear which causes him to act the way he has."

"I don't care to stay alive for your ego." I spit back at him.

"It has nothing to do with ego. I know you don't feel it, you are adamantly fighting feeling it, but we are perfect together. You, your family, your friends you can all be safe, more than comfortable, and happy here at Blood Stone. If you want the entire city of Goldendale here consider it done, whoever and whatever you need. Just please stay with me."

"Let me see all my friends, including Ryan, and I will consider it," I replied slowly.

I heard him sigh heavily, "Draven does not want Ryan here."

"Then I guess he doesn't want me to live that badly," I was still facing the wall as I spoke.

"If you eat some dinner I will have Ace go get them as soon as they are all available, including Ryan."

I conceded and slowly sat up to face him, "Deal."

A few minutes later Ace came in with a tray holding chicken soup and some garlic bread. I ate slowly Dax and Ace both watching making me uncomfortable. When I finally finished Ace smiled broadly took the tray and left.

"Thank you."

"You can thank me by keeping your end of the bargain," I retorted.

He simply nodded before pulling something out of his pocket, "Here my mother made this for you. Put it on the mark twice a day, should help with the necrosis and the pain."

I took the tiny jar from him and opened it to find purple salve that smelled lightly of lavender. He turned from me looking at his phone as I hesitantly put my index and middle finger into the viscous substance before pulling my tshirt to the side and applying it to my wound as gingerly as possible. I still winced and I heard him have a sharp intake of breath behind me.

"I'm fine," I muttered appreciating the minor relief the medication was providing me.

His phone buzzed and he smiled reading the message.

"Ace says your friends are available tomorrow he's picking them up around 10am."

I nodded enough that he could see but not so much it caused me pain before laying down on my side to try and sleep.  Dax got off the bed and took his pillow to the couch. And I will admit only in my own mind how difficult it was to fall asleep without him holding me.

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