Chapter 11

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I didn't want to die, my friends didn't want me to die, and I know my family didn't either. Yet I couldn't simply be his mate, I just couldn't. Maybe Dax was alright but Draven truly scared me.

Suddenly as the thought went through my mind I heard violent cracking and groans from where Dax was laying. By the time I rolled over I was face to face with the largest wolf I had ever seen. His fur was so black it looked blue in the moonlight filtering in through the window and he had a white star on his chest. He whined as he put his head on the bed next to my hand. I sat petrified immediately realizing the large, powerful animal was Draven in his true form. I failed to suppress a whimper which made him put his ears back and whine. He leaned his head against my hand gently and just stared at me with his amber eyes standing in stark contrast to his dark fur. I slightly moved my fingers and eventually turned my hand palm up as he nuzzled into it and I gingerly moved my fingers on his cheek. His large nose sniffed slightly and he slightly inclined towards my neck which caused me to scream and jump backwards away from him. His mouth anywhere near my neck was just not ok. He fell back on his hunches and whined looking quite forlorn.

"I get to make some rules now," he looked up and cocked his head as I spoke, "You're not allowed near my neck quite possibly ever again."

He simply whined but nodded his shaggy head.

"And you won't keep Dax away for weeks anymore."

Again a whine and a nod.

"Good." I went to roll over but he put a dinner plated sized paw on my thigh, "What?"

He looked at the bed and whined.

"Fine but just as you are," I narrowed my eyes at him.

He nodded and gently climbed up over me to his side and curled up against my back.

I was surprised he was still curled up next to me when I woke up around ten. I climbed out of bed carefully and went into the closet to gather up some clothes for the day. I jumped when I turned around and Draven was sitting there grinning, tongue lolling out between his imposing teeth. I flinched slightly looking over his canines and he instantly closed his mouth and backed up to let me out of the closet.

I showered and got dressed in the bathroom exiting to an empty room.

"Draven went for a run probably be back soon," Ace's voice startled me as he came in with a breakfast tray, "Brought you something more substantial than oatmeal."

He set down the tray with eggs, bacon, fruit, coffee, and orange juice on the bedside table. I said nothing to him but sat down on the bed grabbing the tray.

"You can go now," I quipped picking up a piece of bacon.

"Come on Dawn I don't want you to hate me forever," he pouted.

"Too bad," I once again gestured to my neck, "Besides it won't be forever right, this marks gonna kill me."

"It doesn't have to."

"But it will and you can live with the fact you just handed me over to Draven knowing how enraged he was. Because it doesn't matter if I eat this meal and every meal from here on out, I am rotting from the inside out right? That's what is going on?"

Ace gulped but nodded.

"No point in being friends with a dead girl," I shrugged lightly enough to not agitate my wound.

"So you really don't care? You don't want to live?"

"I don't want to be his or anyone else's mate. I just want my life back and since that can't happen I'm over it."

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