Chapter 15

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**violence, gore

Dawn's POV

Draven snarled as he looked at the contact between Ace and I but I didn't flinch.

"Alpha," I didn't even want to give him the mild satisfaction of saying his name, "I am leaving tomorrow night whether the Goddess accepts your new union or not, and I don't want to see you until the ceremony."

I pulled on Ace alerting him that I was leaving and he let go of my arm so I could go up to my room. Once in bed I began to sob again, every part of my body felt like it was on fire, every joint, every muscle, every hair, and especially the mark felt ignited and raw. I could vaguely hear wolves yelling and snarling above my own cries but didn't try to silence myself to hear better. A knock on my door followed by light footsteps caused me to sit upright quickly.

"It's Trish," the she wolf said holding her hands up.

I could barely make out her frame from the ambient, natural light coming in through the window.

"What do you want?" I mumbled.

"To apologize."

"For what? Without you I would have no way out."

"While the ritual is real, this was a set up," she sighed heavily and I cocked an eyebrow indicating for her to continue, "When I was taken by Kain I was stubborn, strong-willed like you. Then after I had been there for months and months with no sign of relenting one of Kain's old girlfriends started sniffing around. She would loudly discuss with him how she should rightfully be Luna, and how me and my fragile mortality would never work for his strong alpha wolf. She was constantly touching him, constantly around, constantly pushing on me. I didn't realize the jealousy I began to feel strengthened the bond I was feeling until I was throwing myself at Kain begging him to make me his Luna and to ignore all the doubts his ex had. You have to understand you were dying Dawn."

It all clicked for me very quickly, another fucking deception, "So this was just another way to manipulate me?"

"Originally yes, but it was not supposed to go this far. She was never supposed to touch him intimately much less sleep with him!" She defended.

"So what? She was just supposed to hang around, being close but not too close, until the jealousy wove the bond together to the point I couldn't ignore it?"

She looked guilty but nodded, "And I'm sorry, Dax just looked so, so distressed and miserable. He showed up to ask for mine and Kain's advice to not lose you, he spoke of how close to death you were coming, I was only trying to help. The ritual is real, but Dax and Ace didn't know that when they agreed. They thought the ritual just wouldn't work because it was fake, whereas I thought the Moon Goddess wouldn't grant it but now I believe she might. And I won't fault you if you go through with it. Kain and I will make sure you get home and are safe for the rest of your days living as human as you choose."

I was touched by what seemed to be genuine remorse and kindness coming from the she wolf so I decided not to be quarrelsome.

I simply nodded, "Thank you."

She smiled gently before exiting my room. I released a large breath I hadn't quite realized I was holding before slumping backwards onto my pillow.

I must have fallen asleep because next thing I know I jolt awake and back into a sitting position. My eyes are burning and my mouth and throat feeling drier than the Sahara. I scan my room finding it empty so I got up and headed to the kitchen for some water.

The clock in the kitchen read 3:57am as I rummaged through the fridge for a bottled water. I heard someone clear their throat behind me and shot back up before finding what I was looking for. I spun around and came face to face with Leila.

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