Chapter 10

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I got up the next morning feeling as if I had been hit by an eighteen wheeler. I managed to get into the shower wincing for the first minute as water hit the mark. I soaped up as I studied my ribs and hip bones that now protruded from under my skin, I hadn't realized how much weight I had lost. I finished up in the shower and put some of the salve on the bite and covered it with some gauze before getting dressed in one of my faded band tees and some joggers. I put some foundation on my sullen face and brought a little life back into my cheeks and eyes before putting my hair in a slightly messy side braid and exiting the bathroom.

Dax smiled widely when he saw me and set down the breakfast tray of oatmeal and fruit on the bed.

"Brought you some breakfast," his broad smile almost contagious, almost.

"I only agreed to eat dinner," I casually replied gently sitting down as to not disturb the tray.

He furrowed his brow but relaxed as I popped a strawberry into my mouth.
He went back to smiling as I ate the rest of the fruit and half the oatmeal before taking the mug of coffee from the tray and pushing it away.

"Ace should be back with your friends in about an hour I was hoping to spend time with you until then. I am going to keep Draven busy in my office so he doesn't unintentionally interfere."

"Whatever floats your boat," I replied taking a long sip of my coffee.

"Is the coffee to your liking?" He asked.

"Yeah it's perfect actually."

He chuckled, "Funny because that's actually mine."

I choked a little, "Oh sorry."

I went to hand him the mug but he shook his head, "All yours."

"I missed you," the words fell out of my mouth before I could stop them.

Dax got this very goofy grin but said nothing letting the awkward silence cling to us.

"Uh what I meant to say was I may not have taken off if you had been here. Draven terrifies me," I whispered the last part.

His eyes flashed amber and looked more hurt than I had ever seen them but only for a moment.

"Draven is intense, but only because he loves you very much."

"Draven doesn't give a single shit about me," I muttered.

He growled and I flinched.

"Sorry," he shook his head, "And that's why I plan to stay in my office while your friends are here."

I just nodded not wanting to set off Draven again.

"I'm trying Dawn, to reign Draven in, and to be here for you like I should've been this entire time. I know it doesn't feel to you like Draven cares but I promise he does, as do I. I'll give you some space, Ace should be back with your friends soon, and I will be in my office if you need anything."

He left closing the door behind him and I felt a twinge of sadness at him leaving. Dax was easier to get attached to and I had to be careful. I was only getting anything because he was worried about me dying. So logically if he isn't afraid I'll give up on life and slowly die it will be right back to how it was. I finished the coffee while I waited on Ace and finally truly surveyed the room I was in. The king sized bed was covered in dark grey jersey knit sheets with a black down comforter. Both dressers and nightstands were matching ebony with silver hardware and the walls were the pale gray of rain clouds on a sunny day. I studied the black suede couch under the large window that looked out down main street, and the small bookshelf next to it. There were black and white nature photographs doting the walls, trees, deer, a pair of cardinals where the color was left on the male, pretty mundane stuff honestly. The room wasn't unappealing just boring now that I really looked at it. It was obvious everything was expensive but it was just bland and lacking personality. I didn't even see any photos with family or friends anywhere.

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