Chapter 20

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Lydia's POV:

"I don't think I've ever been so close to one this... big," Eren commented, standing about ten feet back from where I stood with Angus, detangling and scratching out the dirt from his hair with my nails.

He seemed more than content with his temporary change of a living situation, idling around the open grassy plains that was behind the gardens of this pack.

I looked at her a moment more, noticing the odd, almost nervous expression she had on her face the longer she looked at him.

A few children too watched from far away. As if they'd never seen a horse before.

"I suppose there's no use asking if horses get any use here. I'm sure the whole wolf body thing works wonders for you anyway."

"Yeah," She replied, "I've heard of 'em and the things humans use them for, but I really underestimated how big they were. It's almost kind of daunting."

I shrugged, patting Angus' flank.

"He's a shire, so he's especially big, a big baby too while we're at it... Don't you guys hunt things this big?"

"As small groups, yes. And those things are running from us and not just... standing here chewing grass... Not giving a shit that I'm an apex predator."

I let out a little laugh.

I wondered for a moment if some of that had to do with the fact that he could sense the 'apex predator' in me. Or if he just didn't care over the amount of grass he could eat and roll in here.

"Wanna hop on for a ride to see what it's like?" I offered.

Her eyes went round, raising her hands up to her chest with palms facing me before backing up a few more steps.

"I'm uh- quite alright. I think I prefer paws over hooves, and keeping my own feet on the ground. You'll have to tell me what the difference is once we get that wolf out of you."

I nodded with a grin, taking a moment to check his hooves and make sure all was right with him.

I'll have to take him out for a workout at some point today... Maybe I can get Eren or Luka to show me around the place.

As if the very thought of him summoned him to me, that fluttering feeling in my chest began, signaling his approach.

I turned my head to where I... 'felt' him but saw nothing amongst the tall grass.

My eyes narrowed at his absence, or I suppose the lack of perception I had to him.

I knew he was there. This feeling was one I'd recognized.

A few more moments, and Angus' head too lifted from the grass, face and ears pointed to where I was looking and snorted out a breath.

Eren was next to catch on.

"Ugh, how am I the one who noticed him last," She muttered, straightening her stance, "I'm loosing my edge. Show yourself, Lulu! You've been caught!"


I bit my lip at the thought of the childish nickname for the alpha of the pack, getting my attention snagged by two white ears peeking above the tall grass.

Two golden eyes followed, then a white tail raising and wagging.

Accepting his defeat, he stood fully to his intense height for a dog and walked his way over to us.

Angus bowed his head just enough to sniff Luka's nose in some sort of... interspecial greeting?

I don't know, and honestly, at this point, I'm scared to ask.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05 ⏰

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