Chapter 5

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Gorgeous olive skin.

That was the first thing my mind processed.

The tanned olive skin that this supposedly naked man in my basement possessed.

Luckily the stone wall that met the bars covered his lower half.

The next thing I processed was the stark white hair that fell just slightly passed his broad shoulders.

A combination of skin and hair that I had never seen before, yet was admittedly stunning to see.

My eyes then locked onto a pair sky blue eyes that were staring right back at me

My already thundering heart somehow grew worse, the thumping now spreading to the rest of my body.

That annoying tingling also began to spread and the pull actually caused me to take a step forward.

I should be screaming.

Why wasn't I screaming?

There shouldn't be a man down here!

Yet here he was, his hands intertwined above his head as he leaned against the bars, effectively showing off his nearly perfectly toned build.

All with a content smile on his face.

A couple strained sounds exited my throat as I tried to say something, but couldn't seem to do so.

All I could do was stare, and take on whatever the hell was happening to my body.

Until finally, he looked away, his eyes shifting down to what I had dropped.

"Is that for me?" He asked, his voice apparently being smooth enough to cause butterflies in my stomach.

I shook my head a bit, trying to snap myself out of whatever the hell I was in.

Soon after, my voice came back to me.

"No..." I winced a bit at the fact that no sensation within my body was calming down, and it was impeding my ability to breathe normally.

It was impeding my ability to think.

In fact, the only thing I could think to do was to get closer to him, but luckily the logical side of my brain was more powerful and was cautious.

"No this... this is for the wolf," I managed to get out, turning to pick the meat back up.

Wherever it may be.

The man hummed, that smile never fading, "I guess that means it is indeed for me then."

"Wha-?" I winced again, squeezing my eyes shut for a second, "Who are you? How did you get here?"

The man took the opportunity to move along the bars so he was closer to me.

"The names Luka. Luka Lovota. As for your second question, well, I can only assume you brought me back yourself. I only saw you in that grass for a moment before that man you were with knocked me out," He casually shrugged, blowing it off as no big deal, "And you are?"

My answer came involuntarily.

"Lydia Anabor."

"Lydia," he repeated after me in a whisper, his smile growing as he spoke.

Those butterflies swarmed yet again, and I had to push through them to get my next thought out.

"Wait, wait, wait. Are you trying to tell me that you're that wolf?" I questioned.

He said nothing, just nodded.

If I didn't know any better, I'd say he looked slightly amused.

"There's no way," muttered under my breath.

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