Chapter 8

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Luka's POV:

My eyes followed her as she left until she disappeared up the steps.

I'd say that went well.

Or at least better than it could have been.

She actually took the information I gave her a lot better than I was expecting.

And given that my only goal in that whole conversation was to not completely freak her out, I think I did well.

She seemed to believe me, despite how ridiculous what I told her might seem to someone that's never encountered my species.

The fact that she's at least come in contact with her wolf through her dreams was just the boost I needed.

It told me that even if she wasn't conscious of it at all, that she shared the same lycan instincts that I did.

If I didn't know any better, I'd say that subconscious knowledge was helping her understand and accept all of this.

I knew this was new to her, but she never doubted anything that I said to her.

Whether it was the mate bond or that subconscious knowledge, I wasn't sure.

What I was sure about was that I needed to get her to my pack.

The fact that her wolf has been lying dormant all this time admittedly saddened me, both because both sides of me desperately longed to see her, and I couldn't imagine missing such a large part of myself.

I wanted to show her everything that she was.

But at this point, it was up to her.

I had a plan, but it wouldn't work if she doesn't do what I want her to.

I stepped back and glanced at the door of this cage.

She might not have panicked, but she was definitely wary, which is probably why she kept me in here.

She was aware of the mate bond, but she didn't know what it meant.

I'm just hoping it was strong enough within her for me to pull this off.

Shutting my eyes, I listened, hearing her footsteps above me in the dirt followed by the heavier steps of a horse.


I waited for a couple more minutes before the heavy footsteps of the horse started off and faded as she rode into town.

As soon as I could no longer hear her, I opened up the cage door and began setting my plan into motion.

I didn't know how long she planned to be gone, but it was probably enough for me to get done what I needed to before she returned.

I really only needed one of her instincts to kick in for this, whether it was for me, or the need to keep me here for her... father.

Either way, I just simply needed her to chase.


Lydia's POV:

I think my expression was completely blank.

I had ridden into town, picked something up from Briar, and was now riding back.

My body running on autopilot at this point. I couldn't even tell you what I just spent money on.

All I knew was that I was headed home to cook breakfast for me and the wolfman in my basement.

Luckily Angus knew where home was and was keeping at a nice walking pace back without me having to do too much.

My horse was moderately well mannered for a shire gelding, although right now I think he could tell I'd been on edge all day today.

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