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The scene opens up with the view of the inside of the Ministry

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The scene opens up with the view of the inside of the Ministry. The floor was cracked and the walls were torn down. The rubble was scattered throughout the entire place.

"My goodness!" The Minister of Magic said at the sight of the ministry.

"They really blew it all up." Amelia Bones said.

In the distance were several wizards who were all coughing and limping about. They were seen moving toward a floo network that seemed to still work. As they kept moving they stopped when they heard boom sound and a  mixture of red light and dark shadows broke in from about the ceiling.

"That's not something you see everyday." One of the first years said

The wizards ducked for cover as the red and black colors hit the floor and kept moving, breaking several pillars on their way. The red and black finally managed to break away from each other and red pushed the black away.

The black shadow shifted and shaped out Voldemort just as the red turned into Cathy. While Cathy looked relatively fine, the dark lord had cuts and bloods scattered throughout his being.

"You filthy witch!" Voldemort spat out at her.

Cathy walked towards the Dark Lord as her hands glowed red. "That's me."

Cathy threw her hands forward and blasted a streak of red Chaos magic out. Voldemort met her magic with a green streak of his own. The shock wave from when those two spells met was so strong that it cracked the floor.

"Can you imagine being there for this fight?" Gideon asked his twin.

"I'm good here." Fabian answered.

The red pressed onward and began to overpower the green spell from Voldemort. So Cathy pressed her magic so much that the Dark Lord was pushed further back until he was barely able to keep Cathy’s chaos magic at bay.

As the Dark Lord continued to defend himself his eyes twitched to the side. Behind Cathy on her left were several wounded and defenseless wizards hiding behind some rubble.

"Uh-oh." Arthur's son Bill commented.

Voldemort, with much effort, somehow managed to push his and Cathy’s magic to the side. In a split second before Cathy could see what he was aiming at, Voldemort shot a single killing curse.

The scene moved at slow motion as the killing curse moved straight toward an elderly wizard. Cathy's eyes widened in horror as she caught on to what was happening. She stretched out her hand and blasted red  chaos magic at the green streak.

"Oh no that man!" Alice cried out.

"That's cheating!" Frank declared.

Miraculously, Cathy’s chaos magic somehow managed to catch up and intercept the killing curse and nullified it before it could hurt anyone.

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