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After the scene in the hospital wing, the screen changed the setting from day to night

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After the scene in the hospital wing, the screen changed the setting from day to night. The entire wing was completely void of anyone and was occupied by a boy who was sleeping in one of the beds. Harry was lying in bed when he awoke to the sounds of crawling and scratching against the walls of the infirmary.

“Kill. Kill...” The voice echoed around the room. “Time to kill!”

“Where is that voice coming from?” Remus questioned.

“Inside the walls?” Peter suggested.

“Yeah, but how?”

Harry grabbed his glasses and placed them on his face when the voice suddenly began to die down. Eventually the voice faded away.

“Hello!” Dobby greeted Harry as he hopped up onto the bed.


“Oh great. This guy again.” Sirius said.

“Harry Potter should have listened to Dobby! Harry Potter should have gone back home when he missed the train.” Dobby said.

Harry’s eyes lit up in realization. “It was you. You stopped the barrier from letting Ron, Ryan, Neville and me through.”

“Indeed. Yes, sir.” Dobby admitted.

“You nearly got us expelled!” Harry said angrily.

“At least you would be away from here. Harry Potter must go home! Dobby thought his Bludger would be enough to make Harry Potter see that—”

“What did he just say?” Lily questioned.

“Your Bludger? You made that Bludger chase after me?”

“Uhuh...” Dobby looked nervous and frightened. “Dobby feels most aggrieved, sir. Dobby had to iron his hands.”

Dobby raised his hands and showed Harry the burns on his hands that were poorly wrapped in dirty bandages.

“Oh man.” Cathy looked sorry for the house-elf given the state of his hands.

“You’d better clear off before my bones come back, Dobby, or I might strangle you!” Harry threatened.

“Uh-huh-huh...” Dobby hopped off the bed and moved toward the edge to cower as Harry threw his covers off and got up off the bed. “Dobby is used to death threats sir. Dobby gets them five times a day at home.”

“Where does he live?” Mary enquired. “I mean seriously, what kind of evil bastards would treat another living creature like this?”

“I don’t suppose you could tell me why you’re trying to kill me?” Harry enquired.

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