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As the audience came into the knowledge of Sirius Black being a future serial killer most of the audience had mixed feelings about it

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As the audience came into the knowledge of Sirius Black being a future serial killer most of the audience had mixed feelings about it. Some thought how ironic that the brother everyone thought was good was evil and the one they thought was evil was actually good.

Most of the people felt that Sirius, who tried his hardest to be different from his family turned out to be just like them.

In the end, Dumbledore had to silence everyone. James, Peter and Remus all tried to assure Sirius but each felt a knot in their stomachs about the entire situation.

The scene between Cathy and Harry ended with a loud whistle being sounded. The screen changed to show Molly rushing through the crowds of parents and families holding Scabbers in her hands.

"Quick. Quick." She said to herself. "Ron, Ron!" she shouted to her son.

Ron reached through a window and took hold of his pet rat.

"Oh, for goodness' sake! Don't lose him!" Molly scolded him.

The scene changed again. This time it showed Harry, Ryan, Ron, Hemione and Neville shuffling through the train.

"It wasn't that funny!' Ryan whined as Hermione held her hand to her mouth in a vain attempt to resist laughing.

"It was though!" Neville insisted. "You should have seen him. Flew staright through the wndow in the attic and tore through the floor into Halley's room. Gave her a good fright!"

Hermione and Ron laughed as Ryan turned red.

"I'd like to see you not smash into things when you learn to fly." Ryan said defensively.

"I would have paid good money to see that." Fabian whispered to Gideon.

The five of them stopped at one compartment and upon opening it, they found it to be occupied with only one person. He was hunched over by the window and seem to asleep with the state of his body language.

"Come on." Hermione told the boys as she walked in. "Everywhere else is full."

"But I wanted our own compartment!" Ryan whined.

"Can't get everything you want." Neville told him as they entered the compartment.

Hemione, Neville and Ron sat on one side of the compartment, with Ron next to the window and Neville closest to the door. Harry sat down next to the strange sleeping passager and Ryan sat across from Neville.

"Who do you think that is?" Barty wondered.

"Who do you think that is?" Ron asked as he made himself comfortable.

"Professor R.J. Lupin." Hermione answered without missing a beat.

"What?" Remus repeated.

"Do you know everything?" Ron questioned before turning to the others. "How is it she knows everything?"

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