Chapter 07

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Meerab got angry and pushed Murtasim and Murtasim regained his consciousness of what he was doing. He got angry with himself when he saw Meerab crying. Meerab tried to go, but she couldn't because of foot pain.

Murtasim : Sit here quietly.

He grabbed her leg and twisted it. Meerab started crying.

Meerab : Aaaaaahhhh! Mommy! This idiot broke my leg. 😭

Murtasim : What? I am Idiot? How can this girl talk so badly? 😡

Meerab : Devil! What is your problem? What do you think of me?😤

Murtasim : Mayde ka basta. (Flour sack)

Meerab : What? Agar mai mayde ki basta ho, then you are a bhotni.😬

Murtasim : Bhotni are girls, like you. Jab tum ladkiya 5-6 kg mayda apne face pe lagati ho then you look like bhotni. 😂

Meerab: What did you say?😡

Murtasim : Why? Do you hear less in the ear? Well you told me that day that you will take me to Uncle Rahim. I think you should go there now. 😂

Meerab : You! 🤨

Murtasim : Shhh! Itni jor se chillaugi toh heart problem ho jayega madam.😉

Meerab angrily pushed Murtasim away and went to her table and start led blabbering on.

Meerab : Devil, idiot boss, Nigerian Anaconda, Hippopotamus, Black mice, White lizard. Uff! Why can't I remember anything else? This idiot boss tells me my dialogue. I wish I could ......

Murtasim went to Meerab's cabin and listened to her. He knew that Meerab would go to her cabin and curse him a lot. So he wanted to hear what she had to say.

And here, Meerab was so busy talking to herself that she didn't even notice Murtasim was standing behind her.

Murtasim : What do you want?

Meerab : I want to cut that idiot boss to pieces. No! No! No! I wish I could make his kabab and eat them with parota.

Murtasim : In the end you will eat human flesh? 😡Even after eating so much food, isn't your stomach full that you will eat my flesh? Are you actually human or demonic?

Meerab : Which idiot speaks between my words?🫤

She looked back and saw Murtasim standing behind her. She got very scared. No words were coming out of her mouth. Even after that she said with a little courage,

Meerab : Sir, why do you always listen to my talks?😓 Don't you know that we should not listen to anyone's personal words. Don't you have this common sense?

Murtasim : Accha? Do you have a lot common sense?

Meerab : What do you mean?

Murtasim : Did you never plan to kill me by poisoning me, didn't you plan to kill me by hacking again? Is this a very good work Miss Meerab? (Angrily)

Meerab : Sir, I didn't tell you to hack to death. I told you I would cut you into pieces and make kababs and eat them with parota. Well, sir why do you hear so little in the ear? Today I will tell Maa Begum to take you to the doctor. 😇

Murtasim : Just Shut up! Do your own work. Just talk nonsense all the day.

He angrily went to his cabin and Meerab got busy with her work. Murtasim saw on CCTV that Meerab was busy with her work. He remembered Meerab's words and started laughing to himself. This girl was so childish sometimes.

Murtasim : This girl is crazy. She doesn't even know what words she uses all the time. My mother is right that this girl's mind is very simple. 😊

In home 🏠🏠

Maa Begum : Murtasim's condition worsened yesterday. This girl is crazy. 😂

Shahnawaz : Yes! Well, what do you think? What if we keep Meerab with us for rest of our life?

Maa Begum : What are you talking about?How can we keep Meerab with us for the rest of our lives? She has to get married one day, isn't it?

Shahnawaz : That's what I'm thinking.

Maa Begum : I don't understand what you are saying.

Shahnawaz : I wonder if we will get Meerab married to Murtasim? In this way our daughter will also be with us and your angry son will also be fine.

Maa Begum : 😱😲😵

Shahnawaz : You're shocked? Don't you want Meerab to be with us forever? Can you stay one day without her? You can't live one day without seeing her, how can you'll live forever without her?

Maa Begum : I want Meerab to be with us forever. But......

Shahnawaz : But what?

Maa Begum : Murtasim can't tolerate Meerab for 1 minute. How can he?

Shahnawaz : I know that too. But I also know that if Meerab marries Murtasim, they will be happy forever.

Maa Begum : But will they agree?

Shahnawaz : I will take care of that. You don't worry.

Maa Begum : All right! Do whatever you want.

In office,

After finishing work, Meerab went to Murtasim's cabin with some files.

Meerab : Can I come sir?

Murtasim : Yes!

Meerab : This file needs your signature. Read and sign the file.

Murtasim : You read it. I'm listening.

Meerab : Sir you don't know how to read?😱How did you passed? I think you passed by duplicating?😕

Murtasim : Miss Meeraaab.😡

Meerab : Sir, what did I tell you now that you are angry? You also can't hear the truth like Manager.

Murtasim : Get out!

Meerab : Yes sir!😓

Murtasim : I don't know what I will do with you if you don't go out of my cabin now. 😡

Meerab frowned and left.

Murtasim : Allah! How can this girl talk so nonsense? This girl has ruined my head in a short time. This girl will make the situation worse with whom she will be with for the rest of her life.

Meerab went to her table very angrily and sat down. Seeing that, Ayaan told her,

Ayaan : Why are you so angry? Has something happened?

Meerab : This idiot boss talks to me like I'm his married wife. I will kill him on purpose, or I will cut him into pieces and make kebabs and feed them to the goats. 😤😤

Ayaan : You have lost your mind. 😒

Meerab : Devil Ayaan, what did you say? I lost my mind? I'll cut your head to pieces. 😠

Ayaan : Hey mom forgive me. 🙏

Meerab : Scoundrel, I'm not married yet and you made me your mother? Idiot! Your father is equal to my father and you are making me your mother?😠

Ayaan : What! 😨Forgive me Meerab. Why did I come to talk to you?

To be continued.
1k+ words.

Romantic Husband Idiot Boss (Meerab and Murtasim)Where stories live. Discover now