Chapter 18

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Suddenly someone knocked on the door. Meerab lightly pushed Murtasim away. She took the sari which was in the bed and went to the washroom.

Murtasim got his sense back when Meerab pushed him. He himself didn't know why he went so close to her. He kept thinking about this and then someone knocked on the door again. He opened the door and saw his mother.

Maa Begum : Today, will you two stay in the room all day? Where is Meerab?

Murtasim : Maa, she is getting ready.

Maa Begum : OK. Should I send coffee for you?

Murtasim : Hmm.

Maa Begum : Okay. Tell Meerab to get ready fast. OK?

Murtasim nodded in yes and was wondering why he went so close to Meerab and then his mother again came and gave him coffee. He went to the balcony with a cup of coffee in his hand.

Here, Meerab came out wearing a sari and saw Murtasim was not in the room. She took a deep breath. And got ready while abusing Murtasim.

Meerab : Today I'm late because of that Devil. Mann toh kar raha hai isse pani mai bhigo kar maro. And then cook him like a Crab and eat it in Nebula. 😂 He! He! He! The idea is not bad. Idiot kuch kaam toh ayega. Waise bhi kuch kaam ka nhi hai.

Saying this, she looked back and got such a shock that she started swallowing again and again.

Murtasim was very angry and was looking at her with fiery eyes. Meerab's throat became wood in fear. No sound was coming out of her mouth. Still very scared she said to Murtasim,

Meerab :

Murtasim said nothing and started coming towards Meerab and Meerab started going back. He was moving one of his legs in front and Meerab was taking one of her legs behind. As she walked behind, her back hit the wall. Murtasim went a little closer to her and whispered in her ear,

Murtasim : I see, you have a lot courage.

When Murtasim came so close, Meerab got very scared. Murtasim was even more fascinated by her frightened look. He couldn't take his eyes off Meerab. Even looking at Murtasim's eyes, Meerab seemed to be lost in another world. She never noticed that there was so much magic in Murtasim's eyes. She fell in love with Murtasim's eyes. The two get lost in each other's eyes.

Murtasim gently kissed Meerab's cheek. And at the touch of Murtasim, Meerab shivered.
Murtasim rubbed Meerab's cheek with his cheek. His bushy beard touched Meerab's cheeks and Meerab shivered. It was as if someone was playing a drum in her chest. She grabbed her sari tightly. Murtasim kissed her on the other cheek. There was a knock on the door when Murtasim was about to dip his lips in Meerab's.

Murtasim moved away from Meerab. He noticed that Meerab was still closing her eyes. He whispered in her ear,

Murtasim : You have turned red like a tomato in shame. I never know you were so shy.

Meerab opened her eyes at Murtasim's words and saw Murtasim standing a little distance away. He got very embarrassed and started fixing her sari. Murtasim smiled a lot when he saw Meerab's face.

Seeing Murtasim's smile, Meerab ran out of the room. She ran to Maa Begum. Maa Begum took her with her and puts her downstairs. All the women in the neighborhood came and saw Meerab and appreciated her a lot and gave her gifts. Everyone gossip a lot with Meerab. After gossiping with Meerab, they all left after eating.

At noon, Meerab went to the room and saw that Murtasim was not in the room. She took a deep breath. After what happened in the morning, she didn't want to come in front of Murtasim. Now that Murtasim was not in the room, she was feeling much better. And she didn't even see Murtasim all day. She went to the balcony and started reading a story book. This was how the whole day was spent.

Romantic Husband Idiot Boss (Meerab and Murtasim)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum