Chapter 14

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Meerab had been noticing for a long time that Murtasim was staring at her. She went to him and shakes him a little and said,

Meerab : Sir, what are you looking at standing here without working?

Murtasim got his sense in Meerab's words. Before he could say anything to Meerab, Ayesha's father came and said,

Ayesha's father : What is this son? You are not ready yet. The groom's party will come soon. Go and get ready soon. There are clothes in the room.

Murtasim : OK uncle, I'm going. There is a little work left. I am going to do that now.

Ayesha's father : We will do the rest. You go.

Murtasim left without saying anything.

Ayesha's father : Meerab Beta, is Ayesha ready?

Meerab : Yes uncle. Uncle, tell me if there is any work.

Ayesha's father : No work here, beta. The groom's party will come soon. You go and see whether everything is ready or not.

Meerab : OK uncle.

Murtasim got ready and started looking for Meerab. The groom's party has arrived. Everyone welcomed them with great care. All girls were standing in front of the gate to take the money from groom.

It's a ritual in Bangladesh. The bride's sisters take money from the groom on the day of the wedding and then give the permission to enter.

Meerab also went in front of the gate with all the girls to get money. There she got busy. Some of the boys on the groom's side looked at Meerab. Meerab looked so beautiful that anyone would fall in love with her.

Meerab : You can't enter without money.

A friend of the groom looked at Meerab and said,

Friend of the groom : What a beautiful girl she is! I will marry this girl only.

Hearing this, one boy said,

Boy : There is no benefit.   

Friend of the groom : What benefit?

Boy : She is married. (He pointed at Murtasim) Are you looking at that boy? She is his wife. Lives in the city. Came here yesterday in a danger.

Meerab was not leaving the gate without taking money from the groom. Then the groom's friend said,

Friend of the groom : This beautiful girl is saying, give the money to her bro. (Said to the groom)

Meerab and the girls screamed after the groom paid. Everyone was allowed to come. Seeing Murtasim, some girls were talking.

The groom's sister : The boy is so handsome. 😍Let's talk to him.

The two girls went in front of Murtasim and said,

The groom's sister : Hi! I'm Nia.

Murtasim : Hello! I'm Murtasim.

Nia : Who are you of the bride?

Murtasim : Brother.

Nia : Oh! I am the younger sister of the groom. Can you give me your number?

Murtasim : Why?

Nia : Why means? To talk with you.

Meerab was listening to everything from behind. Her body was burning with anger.

Meerab : Devil girl..!! bhootni..!! Flirting with my idiot boss? Wait! 😠

She went in front of the girls and said,

Romantic Husband Idiot Boss (Meerab and Murtasim)Where stories live. Discover now