Chapter 08

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Ayaan : What!😨 Forgive me Meerab. Why did I come to talk to you?

Meerab : Devil, did I told you to come and talk to me?😠 You are wasting my time and you're blabbering nonsense like this? Get away from my eyes.

Ayaan : I don't talk nonsense, you do. Once you start talking, you can't stop. And you're telling me?

Meerab : What did you say? Idiot, if you don't get out of here right now, I'll kill you. 😡

Ayaan left from there.

Meerab : Do I talk too much? Everyone says how little I talk. All the boys are same. They are the brothers of Devils. 😠

She continued to chatter to herself. After a while, a peon came and told her,

Peon : Madam, sir is calling you.

Meerab : (Why is this idiot calling me?) You go. I'm going.

She went in front of Murtasim's cabin and wondered whether she would go or not.

Meerab : Entering this idiot's cabin, it looks like entering a devil's room. Well, if this idiot boss kisses me again.😰 No! No! What are you thinking Meerab? If this idiot tries to kiss me again, I will cut him into small pieces and make kababs and feed them to goats and fish.

She entered Murtasim's cabin with a little fear.

Meerab : May I come in sir?

Murtasim : Yes.

Meerab : Sir, why did you called me?

Murtasim : To see your face.😒

Meerab : What! Sir, are you a Luccha?

Murtasim : What did you say? Who am I?😠

Meerab : Sir, your ear is really gone.

Murtasim : Miss Meerab, can't you work without talking nonsense? All day just blabbering on. 😠

Meerab : Sir, did you called me here for this?

Murtasim : Tomorrow I am going to Dhaka for 2 days.

(Guys...Dhaka is the capital of Bangladesh🇧🇩. Meerab and Murtasim live in Bangladesh.)

Meerab : Uffff Dad, I survived. The office will be a little quieter.

Murtasim : I'm not going alone. You will go with me.

Meerab : What! Sir, I won't go.

Murtasim : I didn't ask your permission. I ordered you and yes, we will go today.

Meerab : (Devil..!! Rogue..!! Idiot..!! Ear-cut cat..!! blue Monkey. 😠Well, is there a blue Monkey? I think there is.😕)

Murtasim : Madam, if you have finished cursing me in your mind, go home and get ready.

Romantic Husband Idiot Boss (Meerab and Murtasim)Where stories live. Discover now