Chapter 13

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Murtasim : I have no desire. Whatever! I can't talk nonsense like you. So, sleep.

Meerab laid down like an obedient girl. But the tension between them started with the blanket. Murtasim pulled the blanket towards him and Meerab pulled the blanket towards her.

Murtasim : What are you doing? Will you take such a big blanket alone?

Meerab : Yes! I won't share it with you.

Murtasim : If not, give me the blanket and you fall asleep without blanket.

Saying this, he pulled the blanket close to him and put it on. And Meerab pulled the blanket towards her again.

Murtasim : Meerab, share or I'll take the whole blanket.

Meerab : I won't share with you.

Murtasim : OK fine! Then I'm taking it alone.

Murtasim pulled the blanket back to himself. Meerab quit trying because she couldn't get along with Murtasim. And in her mind she was abusing Murtasim a lot.

Meerab : (Black ghost,dirty owl,devil! He will share the blanket with me? Idiot! )

Murtasim shakes Meerab and said,

Murtasim : Excuse me, madam. If you have stopped abusing me then plz sleep. 😀

Meerab : (Uff! I can't even speak in my mind for this idiot.)

Meerab laid down on the other side. Murtasim realized that Meerab was abusing him a lot in her mind. Poor Murtasim! He wanted to laugh his heart out but couldn't.

He laid back on his side. Meerab was trying hard to pull the blanket but couldn't do anything. He holds the blanket in one hand. Meerab tried a lot and fell asleep.

They both fell asleep.

In the morning, Murtasim opened his eyes and saw the light outside. The birds were chirping. He realized that it was morning. He suddenly felt as if his chest was feeling heavy. He looked up and saw Meerab sleeping on his chest.

Meerab's sleeping look was so magical to Murtasim that he was staring at her. Her hair was open and her hair was coming to his face. He seemed to have gone to another world.

He got very busy to take the scent of Meerab's hair. He was so busy smelling Meerab's hair that he didn't even notice when he hugged Meerab tightly. He closed his eyes and started smelling Meerab's hair.

The scent of girls' hair defies all odors. A sweet fragrance in the hair of a girl who smells a lot. Meerab's hair had the same fragrance that fascinated Murtasim.

After a long time,

Meerab woke up and felt as if someone was hugging her. She looked up a little scared and saw that she was lying on Murtasim's chest. Seeing this, her eyes went up to her forehead. No words were coming out of her mouth. She noticed again that Murtasim's eyes were closed. So she thought Murtasim might be asleep.

Romantic Husband Idiot Boss (Meerab and Murtasim)Where stories live. Discover now