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"Is daddy mad?" Max laughed as soon as I walked out of Christian's office. "Daddy wanted to punish me" I teased him. I knew it would kinda disgust him and I was right.

"Never say that again" he scrunched his nose a little.

"Then don't refer to him as my dad" I said. He wasn't my dad even if he acted like he was.
Even if he did everything for me.

At the end of the day, I was alone.

Max put his hand against his forehead and saluted me. "Noted"

"Anyways, how was your date with the mystery guy" Max asked as he was walking after me.

"Great" I said sarcastically. "Until he tried to force me to suck his dick"

"He did what?" Max frowned as if he didn't believe me. He knew who my mystery guy was because he was trying to give me hints, so he must know him, he must know how he was like.

"Don't worry, I kicked him in his balls and kinda threatened him with a knife" and I stole his car for a couple of days but I wasn't gonna mention that.

"When did all of this happen?"

I walked in the door, holding it open for him because we both had a meeting together. "After the race in Monaco"

I sat down in front of a screen, putting my headphones on.
We would go over the practice sessions and decide on a strategy together.

Max sat down next to me, which was weird because normally the drivers would sit next to his engineers, not next to me.

"Why are you still hanging out with him then?" He whispered, leaning closer to me. "Oh trust me, I don't. He just keeps stalking me"

Max didn't say anything else after that, he couldn't because everyone started walking in and sitting down.

He just put his headphones on his head and stared ahead. He was much quieter than normal.

After a pretty boring meeting, I put my headphones down and grabbed my stuff to get up but Christian gestured to stay behind and for some reason Max did as well.

What did I do now?

"You remember that we have a sponsor event tonight right?" Christian said but he wasn't looking at me nor at Max.

I looked at Max because I was sure he was talking to him. I was their strategist, I didn't need to go to sponsor events.

Max chuckled. "He's talking to you"

"Wait, why do I need to go?" I quickly looked at Christian. "Because you're our strategist" he mumbled as he walked out, leaving Max and I alone.

"Because you're his daughter" Max laughed as he followed Christian outside.

I sighed because I knew Max was right. I didn't need to go because I was their strategist, I needed to go because Christian wanted me to meet important people. To socialize.

I hated that. I hated to socialize, I hated those fancy events.

I walked outside, wanted to grab some lunch before qualifying but I stopped as soon as I saw Christian and Helmut sitting together, also eating.

Oh no I wasn't gonna do this.

I walked straight passed them, outside. I wasn't gonna have a dinner date with them.

So, the only thing I could do was go to the Mclaren hospitality and steal some food from Lando.

Fortunately, he was sitting outside with Oscar, with a plate in front of him. "Juliet" he gestured to come to them, which I immediately did.

"Oh Romeo, I am starving" I said as dramatically as I could. I looked down at his plate, he was eating a chicken wrap.

Lando laughed. "I think your Red Bull family has money enough to buy you some food"

"Oh they do, but your chicken wrap looks so good" I looked down at his wrap and back up at him.

Lando rolled his eyes with a smile on his face and got up. "I'll get you a plate. Wait here Juliet"

I smiled at my victory and sat down next to Oscar. He was looking at me, frowning.

"I thought your name was River?"

I started laughing. He was so confused. "He can call me Juliet" I said, which probably made him even more confused.

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