Ragna in Re-Estize - Part 2

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Alternate Title: The Swords of Darkness

[ ~ Chapter • Start ~ ]

A day has passed since he met King Ramposa the 3rd, and he had already given himself to the pleasure of touring around the Capital.

It didn't give him much trouble.

Ragna walked to a large building in Re-Estize, which had a few people carrying swords, staffs and other sorts of weapons. And most of them wore plates that look like necklaces, in copper, silver, and gold.

Those were the same plated a certain group had worn, except they had adamantite plates.

It was clear that those who wore adamantite plates are possibly some of the best of the best of the adventurers.

The only thing was, he currently had no interest in being an adventurer, though even if it would benefit him, there was something he really liked.


'Exploring this world, huh? I suppose I should gain information first before even trying to go somewhere.' He concluded, walking towards the counter.

But before he arrived to the counter, a few adventurers had passed by him and were the first to reach it.

They were a group of four, and he noticed that they were all bronze ranked adventurers.

"We of the Swords of Darkness have returned!" One boy spoke, smiling as the receptionist nodded her head.

"The guild has already been notified about the completion of your quest, please sit down where you like."

Upon hearing that, the group of adventurers sat nearby a table, and through curiosity, Ragna approached them first.

"Ninya, you've done a great job supporting us in defeating a small infestation of goblins, even you, Lukrut and Dyne!" A person congratulated his fellow adventurers, smiling at each other.

"Soon enough we would become silver ranked adventurers, and we'll definitely celebrate our achievement, right, Peter?" The man named Lukrut encouraged his leader.

But, an adult man with closed eyes shook his head in disapproval.

"Lukrut, what are you talking about? We are still low on money, therefore conserving it is the best thing to do for now."

He was probably Dyne, who had a faint smell of grass around him. It is possible that he is a druid.

And then there's the silent Ninya, who meekly looked at the approaching Administrator. Due to her fear of other nobles, it made her feel like trouble might come if she wasn't careful at all.

Even with that friendly smile if his, she couldn't help but imagine what might come next. Was he going to trick them? That is possible.

The others also began to notice Ragna, and they began to greet each other, keeping a respectful aura around them.

Because the guild asked them to go inside one of the rooms for something important before a proper introduction, Ragna was forced to wait for a few minutes before the party returned, obviously gaining proof that they are now in a higher rank.

".... Right, so where were we....?" Peter said, rubbing his chin then remembering what he wanted to say. "Oh, that's right! You wanted to give us a request, just after we are promoted!"

"Oh, right. Become my tour guides and lead me around Re-Estize, not the entirety or even too far away, because there are monsters too strong for your own good." Ragna stated, though the four were strangely silent, as if not expecting such a request from him.

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