Death Spiral Incident - Part 2

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[ Play BGM: Steel Beowulf - Super Robot Wars Original Generation Series ]

Ragna took glances at his mini-map, and noticed several hundred red dots surrounding him and Ninya.

In an instant, he saw where he is supposed to go: to the cemetery, and immediately put a waypoint there with just his mind.

Also, he silently switched his classes to Gunslinger and Sharpshooter (Both Level 15) to fit what he was about to do soon enough.

"I suppose I'll have to use some of my arsenal on these guys." He said, slamming his boot on one of the zombies, destroying its head. "And Ninya, don't worry about them, they'll die when exposed to sunlight, so we'll have to go catch the perpetrators first. Now hold on to me!"

Ninya's grip on him tightened without a word spoken, and off they went.

Ragna used kicks in order to leap from one zombie to another, not minding to use one of his hands to hold Ninya by her thighs and another to toss several copper coins to the air.

He punched those coins, making them go at speeds faster than sound, piercing through three lines of monsters.

"Are those... C-Coins!? Isn't that wasteful?" Ninya asked, and Ragna shook his head in denial. "Oh, I should've figured..."

Then, in the next few seconds, Ragna brought out a large, five barrelled chaingun with a crimson base that was mounted on his arm like an exoskeleton.

It was so large it almost seemed like he was carrying something that was several tons without problem.

Aiming it at the zombies following them in various speeds, he pressed the trigger of the chaingun.

The chaingun started firing, like a bee buzzing right in front of a person, spitting out miniature fireballs that were almost incomprehensible by the eyes of Ninya.

Those flaming lasers pierced and obliterated hundreds of zombies, razed houses to the ground, and left nothing but a field full of blood, gore and many corpses.

Ninya was disgusted, but at the same time, she was at awe.

'This is.... Is this the power of someone from the realm of heroes?'

The area was now cleared, and Ninya had questions that were simply answered with yes or no.

And so Ragna continuously leapt forwards, letting himself be guided by the mini-map, passing by several houses, until Ninya saw a certain house that was infested with zombies.

According to his mini-map, they were close, but Ninya told him to go there first. Since he still had time, he was nonchalant about it.

[ BGM Pause ]

When they arrived at the house, they saw three zombies walking around aimlessly, and upon the sight of them, Ninya was shocked and Ragna felt saddened.

"Peter, Dyne, Lukrut.... They've become undead...." Ninya spoke, with some sobs escaping her mouth. Guilt was already welling up inside her, but she forced herself to remain strong.

She immediately pointed her staff towards the three.

"*Sniff* *sob* *sob*.... I'm sorry."

Ragna patted her shoulder, nodding at her with a frown, silently urging her to do what needed to be done.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07 ⏰

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