Double Raid (Part 2)

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Gazef hopped off his steed before unsheathing his sword, Razor Edge, glancing over the enemy soldiers that felt threatened st the sight of him and the size of his army.

"That's Gazef Stronoff! And he has all the five treasures.... Damn it!" One of the guards stationed on the walls spoke a little hopelessly, knowing his doom that would come.

"Shut up already! We will fight and have Lord Heivish know that Gazef is here so that he could safely escape!" Another of the guards rebuked, only to be punched straight to his face by his fellow guard.

"Fuck you! I want to live, I want to see my daughter and my family again! Let's just surrender for the greater good if we want to live, it's better to be imprisoned than dead!" The guard yelled, and this series of words alone had roused the wills of the other soldiers to start making a rebellion, whether they liked it or not.

And all of this was a small work of Ragna, who had been staring inside the mansion and influencing the soldiers to make a rebellion. Even if it really was just, for a moment.

Sooner enough, a gate to the town was opened, letting Gazef and his troops inside, though they weren't that surprised when the soldiers they encountered gave up and surrendered, their weapons and shields tossed to the ground.

Thankfully for them, Gazef was a kind man and had his soldiers tie the soldiers' arms and set them aside.

And the commoners living in the town, noticing what had been happening, decided to glance outsidde through the windows.

They knew they were the Kingdom's knights. And due to their armors, their rank is one of the highest. It excited the people, yet some of them stayed inside their homes in doubts that domething bad might happen.

Eventually, the knights under Gazef surrounded the town (eventually, the mansion) and subjugated the opposing knights while injuring or killing a few that stood loyal to Staffan.

It didn't bring much trouble to Gazef, and due to this, he decided to gain information from the residents all about what had been happening throughout this village for months.

To be honest, Gazef was very moved by the words of the folk in this village, promising them that justice will be served and Staffan will definitely be publicly executed.

The folk were assured twice, and the Commander of the Kingdom's knights decided to begin approaching towards the entrance of Staffan's mansion, his knights already standing near it to wait for his signal.

He raised his hand, and the knights stood back. It was time to check if the doors were locked or not.

As easily as walking, he twisted the doorknob and pushed the door open. Once he and his soldiers entered in groups, the maids suddenly stopped in their work.

"Excuse me, I am Gazef Stronoff, the Knight Commander of Re-Estize's knights and I am sent here by King Ramposa the 3rd to free this town from the tyranny of Staffan Heivish, who is also a member of the Eight Fingers." He spoke to the maids, which did give said maids hope.

A few teared up, several more decided to stay calm and smile at this great event, but....

"W-Well..... There is one thing we wanted to inform you." One of the maids spoke, bowing her head towards Gazef. "There is one man that suddenly appeared in the mansion, he said that he sneaked inside the moment he noticed that his friend had been taken away."

Curious, Gazef allowed the maid to go on.

"He had orange hair, and he looked and acted like a mobleman. He also said the same thing to us, and healed us before going to fetch his partner on the basemeny." The maid continued with a smile, making the Knight Commander recognize who this man was.

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