Death Spiral Incident - Part 1

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Dusk had arrived earlier than she'd expected.

Ninya looked over the horizon on the west, where the sun was setting, sighing deeply.

This may be her last time being together with the Swords of Darkness, yet why does she have a heavy feeling in her chest?

It's as if something was going to happen soon, and that something may be horrible.

So she tightened her grip on her staff, pulling it closer to her, praying for the safety of her party members.

"Ma'am, we'll arrive at E-Rantel soon, we'll stop by an inn just to be safe. Any worries you have?" The coach stated, turning his head to her.

".... None so far." She replied, taking out a scroll from her pocket. "With this, Lord Ragna is with me."

But the tightness on her chest was still there, even with the relief coming from the thought of him.

Several minutes later, the carriage suddenly stopped, and now Ninya was feeling strange.

"Ma'am, you... Might wanna see what's happening outside...."

".... What?"

The moment she exited the carriage, her eyes widened in shock.

E-Rantel was being attacked, fires and smoke can be seen from the distance, and many people in horses were escaping the city.

She couldn't believe was she is seeing.

"..... Th.... This cannot.... This cannot be....! Something must have happened, I have to go!"

Ignoring the cries of the coach, Ninya immediately began to run as fast as she can.

Even if she passed by a person who wanted her to leave the city, she didn't care.

They were there, right?

[ ~ Line • Break ~ ]

At last, it was successful!

He'd done it, and E-Rantel is now in a state of chaos, where undead attacked and killed all humans while they struggled!

As for the earlier attack, he had become impatient, deciding to attack right when dusk ended, realizing humans won't be as active if that were to happen.


The undead, Khajiit, laughed in glee as his plans were already taking fruit without much consequences.


"It wouldn't take long before they arrive, but it doesn't matter! I'll let them come, before I show them my true power with this Negative Energy crystal! I was just lucky I found out how to use it other than summoning legendary.... Blah blah blah....."

On the sidelines, Clementine crossed her arms below her chest, not really minding her psychotic leader as he talked nonsense she doesn't want to comprehend.

They were all just talks about power, evolution, and his own things.

Khajiit was too self absorbed now, and it was annoying Clementine enough to make her leave to take a walk.

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