The Rest

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The next day, just thirty minutes before the sun began to rise, a blonde girl groaned, staring at the ceiling. Her body felt numb and sore, but the pain she felt from them were seemingly not so much than before.

Tsuare also felt heat around her body, which had been more associated with fever.

'That wasn't a dream, right?'

She wondered what had happened, only to begin remembering the short encounter with somebody....

No, that wasn't merely somebody, he was a divine being! Technically he supposedly was weakened from a major event, but still a Divine Miracle happened and she was mostly cured through a potion.

Even if she still needed to recover, it doesn't matter!

'Huh? W-Wait, why am I thinking of this?' She wondered. 'Ah, I see.... I've been praying to him the entire time, until the time my belief began to waver and I thought there were truly no gods.'

She was silent, the emotional and mental trauma she had been given through continuous torture had impaired her thoughts, molding her into what she will become soon.

Tsuare looked around once more, finding a certain redhaired girl who's face she recognizes.

"Nin.... ya...." She spoke, through rasped, lightly painful  whispers, reaching out to her sister's face. Yet, she retracted her hand afterwards. ".... I'm... glad..."

Tsuare knew she probably was tortured and at the right time, her god arrived to rescue her. It almost baffled her that she changed her hairstyle and possibly even ran away for safety.

Having nothing to do, because moving her legs is already too difficult, she decided to return in her sleep session, when at the next moment, Ragna entered the room without knocking the door.

He held a tray that contained a teapot and two teacups, and he was still dressed the same as before. Not that it mattered to her though.

"Hm? You're awake already? I've expected this." He asked, placing the tray on the table. "And what about me? Don't worry about it. I woke up an hour earlier and decided to spend doing something normal."

The girl raised her hand, reaching out to him, before he decided to move his chair closer and sat down next to her, allowing her to touch his hands. Hands which weren't that calloused and worked off too much.

Ragna asked her about herself through mental communication, and she obliged by telling him most of what was between her and Ninya, even telling him that the tomboyish adventurer originally had hair that reached down her nape and that was making sure she had a more feminine look and feel.

Sadly, because of their parents, she was sold out to Staffan, who began to use her as he saw fit. Tsuare also recounted her time as a maid around this mansion, and how she had been stuck hoping for someone to save her for months.

Even Ragna was impressed she lasted that long, and decided to stay around her for a very long while to have short conversations, even offering her tea. Begote she closed her eyes and slept, she requested that if he wanted to, he could stay here for a long while.

Ragna obliged, seeing nothing bad about this. He also decided to take out a notebook before writing his plans and strategies for his vision and mission.

"My long vacation in Re-Estize is prematurely done because of a string of events, but the next thing for me to visit are either the supposed Elven Kingdom, Holy Kingdom of Roble, Baharuth Empire and Slane Theocracy.

But, I'll oblige myself into raising this village, putting it into a path that would ensure its growth. It's not going to be that bad, really as it was as simple as tasking several people into managing the village.

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