A Step Further into Vacation

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The sound of the crackling campfire is heard, and around the campfire were the adventuring group, Swords of Darkness and Ragna.

The five were sharing made up stories, and sharing personal experiences, to the point where the five had acknowledged themselves as companions.

Even the surprise of Ninya's comrades were obvious when she revealed her gender at the moment, yet never disclosed why she had hid her gender at the first time they met.

And due to that, Lukrut tried to make moves on Ninya, only to be kicked on his nuts.

Pain peko.

That didn't stop him, though.

While they talked, Peter glanced at his jet black sword which had been heavily bandaged and given sealing inscriptions for show, yet to their perception, it was made for possible safety.

"Hey, Sir Ragna... what's with that sword you used to escape the Six Arms' grasp, anyways?" He asked,  before Ragna pulled over the sword and laid it flat on the ground.

Because Ninya had not yet known the sword Ragna wielded, she had became a bit more curious, yet expected that it was merely a very expensive sword.

"Oh? I wanted to know what that is, but I'm afraid that sword feels scary...." Dyne spoke, sighing in anticipation.

Silently, Ragna tapped the bandages covering the sword, allowing it to transition to a "Programmed Animation". He was prepared for a tiny presentation.

The seals placed unto the sword glowed once vanished, before the bandages expanded and the sword began to float with its tip pointing at the ground.

A powerful pressure dropped down to the adventurers for a second, and the campfire had been extinguished because of it.

The fire reignited after Ninya used her magic, even if her staff had been gone.

"This sword is Sfeiz, what you call the Sword of death, and one of the Swords you yearned to see."  He began to speak, bringing all the attention to him and the sword. "Before any comments, I'd like you to stay silent, so I could tell you the truth of the sword."

"This sword's title was exaggerated, and the sword's true title is the Deep Poisonous Blade of Death, handed over to me by my resting father. I don't know where the other three are, but I have no interest in collecting them, nor in randomly giving them away. Because obviously they're cursed."

"Woah.... to see one of the Swords of Darkness, it's wonderful! E-even though we really yearned the swords for years..." Peter commented, chuckling lightly. "... Can I hold that sword, even for once, please?"

Shrugging his shoulders, the administrator allowed the adventurers to hold his sword that he took out from his inventory two days earlier.

And to be fair? The sword was incredibly heavy and could be barely heaved and budged, even by Dyne, who was the strongest of the four in terms of physical strength.

"Too.... heavy! Even with.... Martial Arts!!!" - Peter

".... Who made this.... anyway!?" - Lukrut

"I feel I am too weak to lift this sword..." - Dyne

"I can't even do it!" - Ninya

Their struggle amused him, and sooner enough, the four tried to push the sword, yet they still couldn't.

Generally, because the sword was quite broken, only people above Level 80 and above are capable of lifting such a weapon. Like Excalibur, but only the strong are allowed to wield it.

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