Story Changes and Information

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Here is some information before we start the story:

This is a crossover story of the Harry Potter, Percy Jackson and the Olympians, and the Heroes of Olympus.

This is watching the movies and reading the books. They will be watching the Harry Potter movies. (They might read the Percy Jackson books after they finish with the movies.)

Percy was born in 2001 instead of 1993 and Harry/Amary was born 1980 like the original series.

This is a fem!Harry Potter (Euphemia Potter/Amary Jackson) x Poseidon.

I will be changing some key things in stories. Maybe.


This story is going to be dark. There will be mentions of suicide attempts, abuse, and maybe some depression.

The timeline and ages might be a little messed up, but I tried my best. My math isn't always correct.

I have a very rough timeline of the events, so I'm just going off that outline. I'm basically winging it because I'm so excited to just start writing.

Also, I apologize if the updates don't come quickly. Stuff in my life is picking up, and I have to write everything on my phone.

Let's just get into it. If you have any questions, let me know! Enjoy the story!

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