7- Gringotts

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[Euphemia and Hagrid continue walking down Diagon Alley]

"Hagrid, I don't have any money. How am I to pay for all this?" Euphemia shyly confessed, questioning the large man.

"Well, there's yer money, Euphemia." Hagrid points to a tall, white, marble building, Gringotts Bank. "Gringotts, the Wizard Bank. T'ain't no safer place, not one. 'Cept perhaps Hogwarts."

The former Hogwarts students laugh at Hagrid's words, knowing that it's not true. The Greeks and Teddy look at them, confused as to why they are laughing.

"What's so funny?" Thalia questions.

"Hogwarts wasn't safe when we went to school." Neville tells the immortal teen.

The Greeks and Teddy share worried looks, "The school wasn't safe?" Teddy questions. As when he went to Hogwarts, it was great.

"It might be now, under the rule of Professor Minnie, but I was fighting for my life every year." Amary tells them as the laughter finally calms down.

Ginny nods along with Amary's statement, having been caught up in the danger during her first year at the school.

Their statement only makes everyone share looks once again.

[Inside the bank, the one at the door bows to them as they walk past, which makes her bow at the creature back. It looks at her in surprise.]

"You bowed back to it?" Draco questions, surprised.

"Of course, It seemed disrespectful to just ignore them." Amary confesses, Percy and Teddy nod along with what their mom is saying. She always taught them to be respectful, which is harder for Percy due to his temper.

"What are these things?" Athena questions, curious about the creatures, Annabeth is also deeply curious while a few others share their curiosity.

"That's about to be answered in a minute." Amary assures the curious people.

[They walk down the shiny aisle, passing tiny creatures working at their desks.]

"Hagrid, what exactly are these things?" Euphemia questions, curious about the creatures as they walk past.

"They're goblins, Euphemia. Clever as they come goblins but not the most friendly of beasts. Bes' stay close." Euphemia sticks to his side but continues to look around, curious about everything. Hagrid clears his throat as they approach a counter with a goblin, wearing spectacles and a waistcoat, in it. "Ms. Euphemia Potter wishes to make a withdrawal."

The goblin looks up from their work. "And does Ms. Euphemia Potter have her key?"

"Oh, wait a minute. Got it here somewhere. Ha! There's the little devil." Hagrid searches his pockets, looking for Euphemia's vault key before finding it.

"Why does he have your key?" George questions, knowing that nobody's meant to have her key except her and her guardians.

"I question Hagrid in a moment, don't worry." Amary assures her brother.

Hagrid whispers to the goblin, "Oh, and there's something else as well." He takes out a letter wrapped in a string. "Professor Dumbledore gave me this." Hagrid hands the Goblin the letter. "It's about You-Know-What in vault You-Know-Which."

"Very well." The goblin tells the man before stopping at the sound of Euphemia's voice.

"Hagrid, why do you have my vault key?" Euphemia questions the half giant, missing the whispering that he spoke to the goblin.

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