The Start of sorrows

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It was a stormy day. The sky was gray. The angry rumbles cause the sky to cry big tear drops. It was a lousy night for the boy. A young boy whose name is Hectic. Hectic and an older man had just gotten into a fight. That man was his father, Stew. Hectic always felt like a useless son. His lack of strength and clumsiness was his fault of always messing up. He felt like a mistake. He always tried to do his best to make his father proud. Although, like always, the mistake that he is, he could never succeed in bringing even just a tad smile upon his father's face.

"Hectic, you always do this. Why must you be so clumsy?"

"Sorry, Dad, I just wanted to help Spoon with sharpening the weapons."

Spoon is Stew's best friend. He can be described as short and round like a pumpkin. His eyes look like exquisite, priceless emerald. His hair is blonde and flowy like a ray of sunshine. With the most bubbly personality anyone could ever have.

He loves Hectic as if he were his own son and treats him kindly. Being one of the few people who acknowledged the potential in Hectic. Due to a fight, Spoon and Stew had cause the man to become one-handed. He replaced his left hand with a hook.  He accidentally chopped it off after tears blur his vision. Stew felt so bad that he spent the rest of the week taking care of him.

Hectic wanted to be of some help. To be just a little bit useful during the fight. He offered to help Spoon with the shop. Spoon, being the generous, kind-hearted person, he is had accepted. He felt happy to have the company. Stew owns a small, wilted booth full of weapons that he sold.

Now you might be wondering why the heck are the people selling weapons? Well, they're not ordinary people. In fact, they're Vikings. The weapons are used to defend themselves against the hybrids. The hybrids are creatures that are half dragon and half human. Beings that have been in war with vikings for centuries. What the Vikings don't know is that hybrids don't actually want to fight anymore. They grew tired of these senseless and petty arguments. Though, due to the lack of intelligence and miscommunication, the vikings still attack. When the Vikings attack first, this means war in the hybrids' eyes. They could never get along since the era of dragons.

Hectic was making a sword for his father when he stumbled over a rock and tripped. The sword flew into the air. It stabbed into the ground next to Stew's foot.

"WHAT IF THE DAMN SWORD HAD STABBED ME. I COULD HAVE LOST A FOOT." Stew had yelled at his only child.

"Dad, I just...." Hectic was suddenly cut off by a hybrid who shot white fire in front of them. The outer rim of blue. Hectic picked up the sword and started running in the opposite direction while the hybrid chased him. Stew taken aback by the sudden turn of events. He chased after him and yelled his name.

The hybrid can be described as having wavey, Raven blue hair down to his shoulders. Wearing skin-tight clothes resemblance to a crow. He is really skinny but muscular. He is quite a looker. Although He is kind of angry. Not at the boy but the father. You are probably wondering why he's mad at the father. Why is he going after the son? Well, for show, of course.

Hectic finally stopped when the hybrid shot a white firey ball at the pole in front of him. Hectic stumbled out of the way and faced the hybrid. The hybrid shot another one, and Hectic did a front roll quickly, getting out of the way. He quickly stood up and ran towards the hybrid. The hybrid flew up, leading Hectic to run into another pole, causing that one to fall. The pole gently scraped the hybrid's raven blue wing, leading him to fall. Leaving him unable to fly. The hybrid's night sky eyes turned even darker in fright as he ran away.

It was Hectic's turn to chase after him, but he was pulled back by an angry Stew."Look at this mess you made."

"But dad, did you see that? I almost took down a hybrid."

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