First encounter

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I stare at the human boy who is short and scrawny. He has medium-sized reddish brown hair and freckles scatter across his face. And the eyes....those gorgeous eyes were like staring into the sea. So memorizing. I could see my own reflection.

The silence was a good silence. Feels nice until we burst out laughing, but then I notice how he flinches back as if he was holding back. I step forward and smile. "The names Shadow," I say in a calming voice. I hold out my hand to shake.

He hesitates for a moment, but he finally reaches his hand out to mine. He smiles with his eyes shimmering in the hidden light and speaks quietly. "I'm Hectic, but u can call me Tic."

"Do your friends call you by that name?" I laugh.

He turns his head and says no. He continues to say, "I don't really have any friends. I just wanted to know what it was like to have a nickname."

My heart aches a little as I see his eyes darken. Those bright eyes are becoming dull. "Well," I start, "let's be friends." I slightly grin patientingly awaiting his response.

He tilts his head and scrunches his nose. "But you tried to kill me."

I burst into laughter with amusement. "No, I didn't," I chuckle. "I was just being playful." He looks so cute when giving me the smush up face.

He looks unsure for a moment. Then he beams with delight as he came closer. "Deal," he says.

I smile. I thought it was adorable of him treating this as some sort of business affair. I couldn't help but giggle. He looks at me with confusion. "I'm just delighted to have a friend."

We were talking for hours. We pour out our hearts as we giggle with one another. Talking with him feels like I have known him for years. My heart feels ecstatic.

As I tell him about my brother, he tells me about his dad. The similarities were crazy. Although I know my brother cares for me. I still feel like a burden in his life. I always had a feeling like he would be happier if he didn't have to take care of a troublemaker like me.

Getting that out feels nice. Hectic explains all the times his father belittles him. Times, he felt like a mistake. I feel like I had to hug him, so I pulled him into one. The warmth I experience overtook my heart. I feel as though my heart may have exploded.

Hectic looks astound. I notice his heart flickers as he slowly puts his arms around me. Hectic watches as the sun goes down and the stars dance in the night. The rain suddenly disappears. He clears his throat as he lowly speaks, "I guess I should head back before my dad worries."

"It's pretty late, so maybe." I said, feeling lonely.

"Will you be here tomorrow?" He asks with hopeful eyes.

I nod my head. As if I have a choice, my wing is busted. But I don't mind hanging around a bit. So I keep that little bit to myself. A smirk grows upon my face. My attention turns to him walking away. I can't wait to see him again. When he disappears from my view, I head towards the rock and lay down.

It's beginning to get dark. I say my goodbyes to Shadow. I'm a little surprise with the hug he gives me. Though I feel happy as a smile creeps its way onto my face. It feels calming. I'm so happy to be able to make a friend. I had forgotten I hurt him. I never apologize to him. As I am about to walk away, I turn around one last time. I notice his wing is torn. I had hurt the one person who was willing to be my friend. I didn't have many friends. The kids my age all hate me. And the adults all think I am pathetic. They couldn't believe I was the son of the "strong" village chief.

There was my friend from childhood Finn. But because of all the other kids who bullied me, they began to bully him. It made me sad seeing him so hurt. I told him to stay away from me. It was my fault, and I didn't want him in pain. Austria was a total bitch so there was no talking to her and Nut just likes to annoy me. The only person who is ever there is my dad but he doesn't really see me as a son. I have Spoon but even him I feel useless around. I'm at a lost. Shadow is the only one I can really say I enjoy being around. We only spoke once go figure. Not only that I hurt him. How was I suppose to face him again.

When I get home dad was already asleep. I was happy because I wasn't in the mood to fight with him. This also allows me to stay up all night to come up with an idea to make a new wing for Shadow. One that would make him able to fly again. One better than the real one. I smile to myself as I get to work.

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