The Way They Feel

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The next day, Hectic came downstairs tired from pulling an all-nighter. He was getting ready to leave. With a bag that held the wing, he was stopped by a stern voice. "Hectic," his father yelled.

Hectic flinched as he turned around. "," he stuttered.

"And where are you going so early in the morning?" Stew asked. He tapped his foot.

Hectic shrugged and smiled. "I just thought it would be nice to take a walk before training."

Hectic was put into a training session with his old friend Fin, the bullies Austria and Nut, and the twins Luffy and Knot, of course. Hectic didn't quite mind the training, but he didn't like who he had to train with. He was partnered up with Austria. He also didn't like hurting the hybrids. He just fights back for the village. Even if he never gains their approval.

This was the first time in a while that Stew saw his son smile. Hectic hasn't smiled since his mom passed away 8 years ago. Stew wanted to smile back and tell him to have fun, but his stubbornness kept him from doing so. Instead, he scowled and walked away.

Hectic stood there lost as his father walked away. 'Of course he's mad,' Hectic sighed as he walked out the door. He didn't let that ruin his mood, though. He was going to see Shadow. He couldn't wait to see the look on his face when showing him the surprise.

As Hectic ran out the door, he bumped into Spoon. Spoon stumbled a bit but caught his balance. "Oi, where you in a hurry to."

"It's a secret," Hectic giggled to himself as he continued to run into the woods. With a look of disbelief, Spoon just shook his head with a smile. 'At least he smiling for once,' he thought to himself, amused.

Spoon knocked on the door and wanted to apologize to Stew. Hectic was his son and had no right to tell Stew how to raise his own child. Even though he did see Hectic as his own son. Stew stomped down the stairs and abruptly opened the door. "What is...." He started before he saw who was at his door. "Oh, it's you," he scoffed as he rolled his eyes. "Well, don't just stand there. Come in." As he turned around walking to the kitchen, he felt his heart scream.

Spoon was relieved that Stew was letting him enter the house, but deep down, his heart was crying. He felt a little broken hearing the disappointment in Stew's voice. Spoon was starting to wonder if he was even liked as a friend. Of course, Stew has always been like this ever since his wife died, and Spoon knew that. It didn't change the fact that Spoon loved him, even if it hurt him. He has loved him since childhood. "So," Spoon started nervously, "I came to apologize."

Stew's eyes widen. Spoon shouldn't be the one apologizing it should be him for his attitude. He knew that, but he was too obstinate and let Spoon continue. He always let pertinacious attitude get the best of him and was unable to apologize.

"You are Hectic's father, and I shouldn't be telling you how to raise your son." He was feeling a little self-conscious. He started twiddling his thumbs, unable to look him in the eyes.

"Well, glad you notice I'm the father." Stew screamed internally, smacking himself. 'Why am I so mean to my friend? One of these days, he is going to hate me.' He kept a stern look when facing Spoon. Spoon was taken aback by that statement. He's been taking care of Him and Hectic since Thyra died.

Thyra was the mother of Hectic. She died from the war between humans and hybrids. Thyra was once the most beautiful to live on the island of Starvia. She was tall with skin like snow. Hair of gold and eyes of the morning sky. The most caring and childish person you could ever meet. Hectic got that side of her. Everyone loved her.

After her death, Spoon was always there comforting Stew and helped take care of Hectic. The closeness is what helped Spoon realize his feelings for his friend. But due to his wife's death, this was the cause of Stew's attitude towards his own son. He became heartless. And tried to hold back his emotions. Spoon being there for Stew, though, is when the father grew feelings for the friend but felt ashamed because they were both men.

Spoon looked like he was fuming, but he just walked away. "Well, clearly, you're still in a bad mood. I'll come back when you're done throwing a tantrum." Spoon soon regretted those words.

This angered Stew as he pulled Spoon back around. "A tantrum?" He yelled."How dare you treat me as some child." Out of angered, Stew said a lot of hurtful things, and when he finally finished, he noticed the pain look in Spoon's eyes. Feeling guilty, he let go of Spoon's arm.

Spoon glanced at the ground in silence for a moment. He rubbed his arm from the pain of the tight grip. "Oh, I see," he sniffed "well have a good day." he dragged himself out, wandering back to his house. He was so heartbroken that when he got home, he slumped down in front of his door and broke into tears. 'So that's how he feels,' he thought to himself, unable to stop.

Stew feeling angry with himself started slamming stuff on the floor. 'idiot,' he called himself as he thought about how to make things up. He was always hurting Spoon's feelings and wanted to change that. Not only did he want to be a better person toward his best friend. He also wanted to be a better father. He sighed to himself as he calmly picked up everything he threw on the floor.

Hectic made it through the woods, seeing Shadow trying to fly away. Shadow stumbled, falling on the ground. Hectic giggled and thought it was cute. Shadow turned around to smile. "Hectic," Shadow gleamed. He ran up to him with a big smile. "Welcome back."

Hectic stared into the eyes of darkness. Those dark yet beautiful eyes that twinkle like the night sky. Feeling hypnotize a grin from ear to ear plastered upon his face. He shook out of his trance as he pulled the bag off his shoulder. "I have something for you," Hectic began while he unzipped the bag. "I made this for you as an apology for hurting you."

Shadow was excited. This was the first time someone other than his brother got him a gift. Shadow looked at Hectic, taking out what was in the bag."What is it?" he smiled gently.

"Well," Hectic started as he looked up. "Since your left wing was injured, I made another one for you."

Shadow's heart tried to jump out of his chest. This generosity made him feel butterflies in his stomach. "Thanks," he said while blushing.

Hectic walked up to Shadow, trying to hook the wing up to Shadow's back. Then he noticed he made the wing too big. "Oh man," he said, disappointed in himself. "I made it the wrong size."

This didn't bother Shadow, though. He was happy that Hectic would even attempt something like this for him. He smiled to himself as he excitedly stated, "It wouldn't hurt to test it." He went to fly upwards, but he flew wonky and fell back down.

Hectic looked disheartened "sorry" he spoke sadly.

"It's okay, at least you tried," Shadow said, putting his hand on Hectic's shoulder.

Hectic wasn't going to give up, though. "I'll do better." He went to leave but turned around saying,"I'll be back, wait here for me."

Shadow puzzled did exactly that as if he had a choice. He didn't leave the spot as Hectic left his sight. Hectic ran back home, grabbing a notebook, a ruler, tools, and anything that he thought he would need putting the items in a bag.

Just as Hectic was about to walk out the door again, a hand stopped him. "Don't think you are going anywhere. You have training." Stew said in a low voice, kinda upset. Hectic was concerned and wanted to ask what was wrong. Something stopped him from doing so. He didn't want to get yelled at. Instead, he nodded his head and headed to the training camp. He kept the bag with him, though. He placed it where he could grab it quickly. "Training shouldn't be too long-lasting, right?' He thought to himself.

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