The Amethystwings

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My eyes are swollen like a balloon. They were red like cherries from all the crying I did. It's been a week since I saw Hectic. All I can do is curl up on the big rock. All I could think about was how our first meeting went. Hectic's and mine first meeting. Tears start up again. Like a river, it was a none ending occurrence. 'It's been a week. Why hasn't he come back? I just needed a day. Does he plan to never come back?' My heart shatters like glass. I tighten my grip around my knees.

"Oi, Shadow!" My brother shouts. He presses his hands against my back. "Stop moping around. It's getting pathetic. Let's do something." I sigh. He rolls his eyes as he rolls me off the rock.

"What the hell!" I yell, getting off the ground.

Eclipse grabs my arm and pulls me. "We're going flying. Let's go. I'm taking you to a place I found comfort in." I just follow along.

We have been in the air for a while. My wings were starting to ache. "Come on, brother. Where are we going?"  He looks back to give a slight smile. "It's a surprise," as he heads straight. "It won't be much longer."

My brother flew downwards. I follow, keeping a slight distance. When our feet touch ground, I took in the the view. "Wow," this island was completely empty. Full of beautiful lilac trees. Ground covered in cherry blossom petals. Houses of emptiness. It was beautiful and quiet. Just like the houses, my mind was clear.

"See, what I tell you?" Eclispe smirk. He elbows my arm. I look up at him and smile. Guess it wouldn't hurt to look around for a bit.

                     HECTIC'S POV
I know Shadow had only asked for a day. But I gave him a week. I am going to give him another week. I was so focused on creating the wings for the amethystwing that I hadn't had time to make him something. I want to apologize for what happened last week. I was in a bad mood and took it out on him. I'm drawing a picture of us. I'm going to write how sorry I am. I hope it's enough. I also want to make him something. I just haven't figured out what. 'He loves mushrooms. Maybe I'll make him an island of mushrooms.' I just keep thinking of ideas.

There was a knock on the door. Dad wasn't home. He went over to Stew's. Guess I have to answer. I stopped what I was doing and run up stairs. They knock again. "Yea, yea, yea, I'm coming." I open the door to see my two friends. Knot and Finn. They apologize for how everything went down. I needed space. So I haven't seen them for a while too. "Oh, hey guys." I say. I motion my hand to let them know to come in.

They walk in and take notice of the wings. "So you actually made them." Finn smiles, and he gently touches the wings.

"Yes, be careful. I worked very hard on them."

Finn nods. "How's everything going." I shrug my shoulders. Finn stares blankly. He then turns his head. He notices the drawing. "This is nice."

"Yea, it's for Shadow." I go back to working on what I was before. Knot stares a hole in the back of my head. I could hear the clock work when he opened his mouth. "Do you plan on seeing Shadow today?" I shake my head. "Not today. I will next week. I want to make him an apology gift." Finn came and sat next to me. "Good idea," he gleams. " Can we help." I shrug again. "Sure, that's fine by me." Knot comes and joins. "And then afterwords we can give the hybrids their wings." My hands pause for a moment. I was static. "You're gonna help me," I beam. "Yes," Knot smiles. " After all, we are a team." I bring him into a hug. "Thank you." I was glad they finally accepted the idea.
                         KNOT'S POV
"Should we go and see Hectic today, babe? It's been about a week since we last saw him," I question. My love's big, beautiful eyes searching the room. "Do you think we've given him enough time?" He asks, twindling his thumbs. I could tell by how cute he was acting that he was nervous. I walk over. I place my hands in his. Staring into his beautiful sunrise eyes, I begin to talk. "I think he's had enough time to cool off." He nods as we head out the door. Our hands still connected together. Though in secret.

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