Happy Beginnings

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A week has passed since that unfortunate event. Stew has yet to see Spoon. He hasn't been joining the meetings. Stew couldn't help but worry. His mind occupied with Spoon. He couldn't bear it anymore and found the strength to go to his friend's place. He took a deep breath as he knocked lightly on the door. He waited for a bit and heard only silence. He knocked a bit louder. He could hear ruffles. Finally, the door slowly opened. To his surprise, he saw an empty shell. He saw nothing but darkness in his friend's eyes. He began to internally beat himself up. He knew he was the cause of his friend being in this state.

"Stew?" Spoon spoke with a raspy voice. He had dark circles under his eyes. Dismayed to see this man standing in front of him. The last bit of light that twinkled in his eyes disappeared. He was about to close the door. Though his door unexpectedly stopped. He noticed that there was a foot blocking it from closing all the way. Spoon sighed. He had no choice but to reopen the door again. "Why are you here?" He spoke with a quavered voice. inadequate to face him, he looked toward his hands. His hands clasped together.

Stew cleared his throat. He struggled to release the words. He finally spoke with a stern voice. Trying to hide his nervousness with a poker face. "I," he began. "I haven't seen you at sinx. We have discussed many plans." His voice wavered a bit as he continued with, "I was worried." He became aware of the scars on Spoon's arm. Stew became furious. "WHO DID THIS TO YOU?" He grasped his arm and peered.

Spoon flinched. He released himself from Stew's grip. "Nobody," he stated in a low voice. He still did not look at him. Stew frowned. He was feeling dejected. Spoon was baffled. "Why do you care anyway?" He asked in a low voice. Stew had a troubled look plastered on. He could feel his chest clenched. Felt like a hand pressing down on him. As if trying to crush his heart into many tiny pieces. "Because I love you." He mumbled. Spoon was taken aback. 'How can that be so.' He thought. "What?" He managed to let out.

Stew stepped closer. Spoon flinched a bit when he suddenly felt a grip upon his hand. Stew grabbed his hand. He turned his chin upwards. Their eyes finally meet. "Because I love you." He spoke with fearlessness in his tone. "I never wanted to lose you as a friend. So I never told you. But if you decide not to have anything to do with me anymore, then at least you should know how I feel."

Spoon's eyes became watery. He began to cry. He leans his face into Stew's chest. He felt as though a weight had been lifted. He didn't know if this was a dream, but if it was, he didn't want to wake up. "I love you too," he exclaimed. He placed his arms around Stew's neck. He pulled him down as he stood on his tippy toes. He placed his lips on Stew's. Stew shocked with this outcome. Though super happy. He wrapped his arms around Spoon's back. And pulled him closer. And kissed back with lust in his eyes. After a few minutes passed, Spoon escaped from his arms. "You aren't lying to me?" He looked Stew in the eyes. His eyes pleaded for this to be true.

Stew pulled him into another kiss. "I wouldn't lie about liking another guy." He saw how Spoon gained a big smile. He felt relieved to see that face again. But his worry arose again. "Will you tell me what happened now?" He asked. He grabbed his arm again. He placed a kiss on the wounds. Spoon looked downwards. Not able to speak, he shook his head. Stew could tell he was discoposed. He didn't push for answers. He just wrapped his arms around him.

It's been a week since Hectic and Shadow confessed their feelings for one another. In such a short amount of time, they became closer and closer. Hectic's routine was training. Not hurting the hybrids because he is too kind-hearted. And getting bullied. Things were added to that routine. He got his old friend back and has two new ones. After each training session, Hectic, Finn, and Knot all would run towards the woods. There, they would see the hybrid boy practice flying. Hectic made the perfect wing to replace the one he torn. And Shadow was able to fly again. Shadow noticed how his friends were there and landed in front of them.

"Hey guys!" Shadow said with an energetic voice. He pulled Hectic into a hug. And wrapped his arm tightly around him. He was full of joy. Flying is the only thing that makes him feel free. Having a wing torn was the worst feeling. When he couldn't fly, he felt trapped. The good thing that came from not flying was meeting Hectic.

"Hi," Hectic said with a loving voice. Hectic's face turned a bright red as he snuggled into those strong arms. Taken in the warmth. His heart beat as strong as ever. Fallen deeper for the winged boy. Knot and Finn both looked at each other. A grin grew on their faces as they giggled to each other. Shadow released his grip from Hectic and placed his hands on the boy's cheeks.

"I love this. Thank you for fixing my wing. I can fly better than ever." He pulled Hectic's head closer to his as he snuzzles their noses together. That's a hybrids way of thanking someone in a more intimate way. Hectic's face is about to burst until he is finally released. Hectic turned around, hiding the blush. He placed his hand on the back of his neck and told Shadow it was the least he could do. Shadow placed a devilish smile upon his face. He walked up to Hectic from behind and wrapped his arms around his waist. "You want to go for a flight."

When Hectic was a young boy, he was dared to climb the highest tree in Starvia. Hectic was a child of no fear and never backed down. He took the challenge. He felt so accomplished that he reached the top. Until his foot slipped, and he tumbled down, hitting each branch. He was severely injured with a few scars. Ever since, he developed a fear of height.

Hectic going in panic mode was getting ready to say no. He tried to escape the hold. But before he could do and say anything, Shadow flew up. He carried Hectic in a princess pose. Hectic screamed while clenching onto Shadow. He placed his head in his chest, refusing to look down. "Put me down, Shadow." Hectic stated while sobbing.

Shadow held onto him tightly. He placed his head onto Hectic's. He spoke softly to calm the boy down. "It's alright. I won't drop you. Look, it's beautiful up here." Hectic took a little peak. He noticed the beautiful blue sky and the fluffy pillow-like clouds. He saw birds flying alongside them. And the fear he once held turned into relief. He loosing his grip a little. Not all the way, just enough for Shadow to breathe again. Hectic whispered, "I guess it's not so bad up here. You better not drop me, though." They both giggle to each other.

Knot and Finn stood there. Watched as Shadow flew around. Watch him fly with Hectic in his arms. Finn admired the fun they were having above. Knot took notice and wrapped his arm around his waste. He pulled his lover closer. "You want to fly like that too, Pumpkin."

Finn just smiled. "It would be nice. Don't you agree butterscotch." Knot smiled and pulled him into a kiss. "I guess I'm gonna have to learn how to fly." He whispered into Finn's ear. Finn's face lit up like a red light bulb. And leaned forward into another kiss.

Hectic and Shadow noticed as they landed on the ground again. Knot felt a little embarrassed as he pushed away from Finn. Finn felt hurt as he backed away. He turned to look at Hectic and smiled. Hectic noticed the sadness in his childhood friend's eyes. Hectic placed his thumbs up and smiled. Finn nodded.

This was something they always did when they were younger. Whenever one of them was sad, the other would cheer them up by sticking their thumbs up. This was a sign that everything would be okay. A nod was in reply as they agreed.

Hectic turned to Knot. He started to walk towards him. He placed a hand on his shoulder. He began to speak, "Remember what you said to me? 'Being into guys isn't a bad thing.' No one is here to judge." He smiled and grabbed Shadow's hand. "It be hypocritical of me if I did." Shadow's face blushed. He turned to look at Hectic. Falling in love even more with that smile.

Knot noticed the sad look upon his love's face. He started to feel guilty. He nodded to thank Hectic. He pulled Finn back into a hug. "I'm sorry," he whispered into Finn's ear. "I made a mistake. Please forgive me." Finn looks him in the eyes. The sincerity was enough. Finn smiles and pulls him into another kiss. Knot nervous with the others there. Though he didn't push away this time. He places his hands on his boyfriend's cheeks. He kissed back. Their hearts synchronize like music. Hectic and Shadow smirk at each other. They walk away to give them some privacy. The both of them laughed as they walked away.

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