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Watching my son turn into a statue while letting those hybrids hurt him haunt my nightmares. Knowing I hurt him in a way that paralyzed him emotionally was a wake-up call. I have to start acting like a father and stop being a stubborn kid. I lost my wife, I won't lose my son too.

After the icedent, it took some time for him to heal. It pain me that he hasn't healed all the way yet. I notice him come down stares, ready to walk out the door. Slight concern raging inside. "Hectic," I speak in the softest voice I can. I know he doesn't like my loud voice. I notice he flinches when I am loud. It makes it seem like I'm angry and yelling when I'm not.

He slightly turns around with a smile. "What is it, dad?"

My concern grew. " I know you're not 100 percent, but do you plan to start training again?"

Hectic nodded his head as he stretched. "I just thought I would go for a walk before going."

Slightly worry, I made a suggestion. "I could go with you." I say in my anxious voice.

Hectic frantically responded back with "NO!" He fakes a cough as he lowers his voice. "I mean, I plan to go see Finn and Knot. No offense, dad, but it would be kind of weird to bring my father on a play date." He slightly laughs.

I nod in agreement. I watch as he turns toward the door and continues to walk out. I sigh, watching as the door slams behind him. 'What do I do now?' I thought to myself. Another thought made its way through. A smirk forming on my face. 'I mean, it's a perfect time to go see Spoon. I want to see him.'

On my way to my lovers' house, I hear my heart sing. My mind filled with joy. I take a deep breath to calm my heart. My fist reaches towards the door as I knock. "Just a minute," I hear his beautiful humming voice. Spoon opened the door, and I grew neverous. He grew a smirk. He pulls me in. He closes the door behind me and pins me against it. He then presses his lips against mine. Kissing me as if he yearns for me. Fireworks go off inside my heart. The spark sink to my stomach, turning into butterflies. My heart flutters as if it's trying to fly away. I place my arms around his neck, giving into the kiss.

Once we end the kiss, he stares deeply into my eyes. My gaze never escaping his. We stare into each other's eyes for a moment. "Good morning," he gives me his sunshine of a smile. "Good morning," I say back, my head facing downwards to look at his beautiful face. I gently caress his face. He stops my hand by holding it firm. As he leans in for another kiss. His lips searched mine. My mind became empty. Thoughts drowning away. Not releasing from the kiss, I pull him closer. Rubbing my member against his. His gasp became louder. "Stew," he slightly moans. "I..." My lips attaches to his lips again.

My tongue slithers in like a snake wrapping around his. I switched the role. His back is now pin to the door, and I have both hands pin to the wall. My hand slips its way under his shirt. His sweet moans grew louder and louder with every touch. His thighs wrap around my waist tight. As I lift him up with my free hand, I'm still grinding on him. Gasping for air, I move my hips faster and faster. "'m going to..ah." I gave a malicious smirk. I whisper in his ear. "Go right ahead." He screams my name while soiling his underpants. Making me even more excited as I climax. Our breaths remain heavy as I hold him in my ears. "Did that feel good?" His erotic face says it all as he nods. "Very pleasurable," he wrap his arms around me as I release them. We head to the couch and cuddle.

                        SPOON'S POV
My mind begins racing. The man I love is touching me in a way of a beast. It feels as though he truly wants me. I let him lose control. My moans become loud. My heart races fast. My member becomes hard. He grinds faster and faster. Week to his voice, I came right after he whispered in my ear. He came after that. Knowing he felt good was enough to make my body shiver. Electricity zooms through my body. He releases my arms, and I wrap them around his neck. He still holds me as he carries me to the couch. His grip tightens around me as we cuddle. I snuggle into his chest. It was comforting to listen to his heartbeat after doing sexual activities. I almost want to do more. But I keep that to myself.

I start to think,'What if he had taken my clothes off? Would he have gone all the way? Or would he be full of disgust doing these types of things to a male body.' I started to grow scared, not knowing how he would react. My arms wrap tighter around his neck as I move up closer. He gives me a slight smile, and my heart jumps.

After we cuddle for a while, I take a glance at the time. "Maybe we should start heading over." Stew sighs but nods. We get up and start heading to the camp. We notice a bunch of people staring and whispering about Hectic. I could tell this angers Stew. "Quiet down, everyone," his loud voice echoes. And just like that, everyone sat down quietly. I see how Hectic turns his face with a smirk. It was refreshing seeing them finally get along.

I walk up to the others full of smiles. "Good afternoon, everyone. Today, I'll tell you about the amethystwing hybrids." They all tune into what I'm saying. "Their strengths is crystalized fire like amethysts. They work great in a group, but when separated, they are the weakest type of hybrids. Their main weakness is that they can only focus on one opponent." As I explain their strength and weaknesses, I glance at Hectic to make sure he was paying attention. I was a little worried after what happened last time. This is his first day back since the incident.

After I was finishing going over the information, I headed over to let the beasts out. The goal is to cut off their wings and make sure they can't fly away. Seems a little heartless, but it's better than right out killing them. To my surprise, Hectic and Austria were actually working as a team. They were the first to finish the task. "Good team work, guys." I pat their shoulders.

Austria grins. "Yeah, Hectic wasn't totally useless for once." He rolls his eyes at her as they walk away in opposite directions. They watched their teammates train until I noticed Hectic took out a book. It looks as though he is doodling something. I grew curious but continued to encourage the others.

The training came to an end. Hectic grows a smile upon his face. He runs up to Finn and Knot. The 3 boys head towards the woods. I notice they have been hanging around for a while now. It made me slightly curious. I watch the boys disappear, frolicking into the woods. I just shake my head with a slight grin. Until I feel big, warm hands upon my shoulder.

"Ready to leave," a sweet husky voice was heard. I turn around to see Stew. I smile and nod. He made sure no one was around and then gave me a kiss on the cheek. Making me feel like I was floating on a cloud on our way home.

                   THIRD PERSON'S POV
Stew observed his surroundings. Seeing the coast was clear, he gently pecks Spoon's cheek. Spoon's face became a bright pink. Stew places his hand on the back of his head. He's smiles at the shorter one. The both of them start to head home. Spoon's heart felt light as a weather. He felt as though he was floating on a cloud.

As soon as they reached the house, Stew pushed him on the couch. Sat on top, facing him. Slowly grinding on him. Their lips move closer together. Spoon's member rises. His body heats up. His arm place themselves around his waist. Stew feels excited. His heart rushed blood through him. They paused from the kiss when Stew took his shirt off. Spoon began to panic. He was afraid to show his lover his body. 'I'm also a man,' he thought to himself. "What if after seeing my body, he feels disgusted? ' The urge to do more was strong, but fear won him over. Stew was about to take Spoon's shirt off when Spoon stopped him. He grabs his hand and holds them in front of him.

Stew heart began to ache. 'Why did he stop me? Does he feel disgusted about both of us being men?' Stew squeezes his lovers hand. He didn't want to hear his mind sprout nonsense. Spoon smiles, which help Stew calm down. "Stew," he started. "I love you, but....." This made Stew grow anxious again. "I'm not ready to go further than this yet." His eyes begin to tear up."It's only been a week since we started dating. Can we take this slow." Stew wipes the tear from the man's face. He smiles as he nods. He brings the other into a hug. "We can go as slow as you like. I love you." Spoon sighed in relief as he hugged him back.

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