His Name #11

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"The reality of this Dunya, my beloved brothers and sisters

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"The reality of this Dunya, my beloved brothers and sisters...."

The second topic has commenced by ustādh Laith, he was an Arab man in his late forties with a bright smile on his face.

"You said he speaks more English than Arabic..." I turned to Saqlayn, one of my eyebrows lifting up.

Aslam chuckled.

"He does" Saqlayn said, flashing me a toothy grin.

"He's an Arab!" I hissed, exasperated.

"He is" Saqlayn nodded. Clearly enjoying this. I groaned.

"And to think Daniel is the most annoying person" Aslam said, shaking his head.

"Hey, why do you keep dragging this innocent soul in between?" Came Daniel's voice from behind us.

Aslam just rolled his eyes and gave Saqlayn a light punch on his shoulder, "cut him some slack"

"Okay okay, sorry Michael. He's an Arab but he often translates most of the Arabic terms during his lectures or sometimes he just uses English more, so you need not worry" Saqlayn said, giving me an apologetic smile.

"You're honestly annoying though" I huffed.

Saqlayn laughed it off.

We all focused back to ustādh Laith as he started speaking.

"The reality of this Dunya, my beloved brothers and sisters is that it is cursed. The Prophet ﷺ said, this Hadith is in Jami' Tirmidhi and it is narrated by Abu Hurayrah Radiyallahu 'Anhu that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said, indeed the world is cursed. It is cursed! And what is in it is cursed. Except, except the remembrance of Allah ¹. This Dunya is something very lowly and worthless and it is not something to run after. And yet, my brothers and sisters, yet we are chasing it and whatever is in it. The word 'curse' itself conveys its lowly status. This Dunya is not something worth mentioning or even worth striving to achieve.

Shaykh 'Abdur-Razzaq al-Badr Hafidhahullah said that the Dunya is leaving and the Hereafter is coming. How strange is it for the one who turns towards that which is leaving and turns away from that which is coming. ²

My beloved brothers and sisters, we have forgotten our priorities, we are chasing the wrong thing and we are treading the wrong path.

In more than one place in the Qur'an Allah mentioned that this world is nothing except amusement and diversion. It is cursed ya ikhwāni wa akhawāt. It is cursed. So then how can we chase something that is cursed? How can we strive to achieve something that is cursed and worthless in the Sight of Allah?

Today, the parents top and foremost priority is that their children become engineers, doctors and scientists etc. In fact, their children's priority is to secure a career for themselves. Do so my beloved brothers and sisters but what about securing your Ākhirah? Our future is not even promised yet we prepare for it. Our Hereafter is promised and it's our final abode yet we neglect it, we have abandoned it, Subhan Allah.

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