Chapter - 14

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Author's Pov

Aarav and Samaira have been better with each other, though they don't spend much time with each other because of their busy schedule, but it's not awkward like it was in the beginning, Aarav still cooks for Samaira because he don't want any other thing to blast again.

Samaira is sleeping but the alarm ringed breaking her peace full sleep, she groaned switching off the alarm, and went back to sleep again but it ringed again, she frustratingly looked at her phone, "oh my god I will be late", she shouted quickly getting down the bed and running to the bathroom to get ready. She went out of the room after dressing up and was wearing her shoes hurriedly and was about to go when Aarav stopped her.

"Samaira breakfast", he said which made her look back, he was standing there, in a navy-blue suit with a cute smile on his face, she was staring at him continuously 'why is he looking so hot today' she thought and looked away from him 'what was I even thinking', she murmured and looked at him again, "I am already late Aarav, I can't", she said going towards the door, "wait I will drop you then", he offered her to which she smiled at him happily, "will you that's really sweet", she said to which he shook his head smiling, "you go down I am coming", he said to which she nodded her head and went down.

They sat down in the car, and he gave her a box, "what is this?", she asked to which he gestured her to open the box, she opened the box, "panner k paratha", she said looking at him happily, she moaned taking the first bite, "wow this is so good, it's my favorite thank you so much", she said eating "it's not good to skip the breakfast", he said looking straight at road, "I know but I was late", she replied eating "then try to wake up early, then you won't be late", he said casually, "hey I try to get up early but I can't, I keep so many alarms but even then that's of no use, no one was able to wake me up", she said looking at him "hmm, that's a problem ok then let me try I will wake you up from tomorrow", he said smiling at her, "you can try", she said in a challenging tone, "by the way what do you do, I mean what work you do I have not seen you in suit in these days", she said facing him, "I am chef and I own I small restaurant, it's still in the beginning stage", he said looking straight, "WHAT", she shouted with wide eyes and he gave her a confused look.

"Wow I never thought that you are a chef like I thought you will be joining your family business and become a CEO, after your father, but man wow you are a chef, no doubt you make such amazing food", she said looking at him but he kept a straight face, she narrowed her eyes at him and asked, "what happened", to which he shook his head negatively, she did not seemed convinced but did not tell anything, "by the way why are you wearing a suit today", she asked out of curiosity to which he faced her and again looked straight "I am just curious", she immediately said looking at him.

"We have some food inspection officers coming today, so I need to look professional", he said "you are nervous aren't you", she asked her leaning towards him, to which he just sighed, "I knew it you are nervous that's why you are so silent today", she said and kept her hand on his shoulder, he stopped the car sighing loudly, she made him look at her, and held his hands in her, "is this the first time they are coming", she asked him softly, to which he shook his head, "how many times they have come before", she asked him rubbing his hands with her palms, "three times in last six months", he said looking straight at him, "then why are you so nervous they are not coming for the first time", she said "I know but it is very important even a single mistake and it will cause me huge loss, I am just worried what if I made a mistake and all my hard work would go in vein ", he said, "and why do you think that you will make a mistake, just believe in yourself I know you will not make any mistake and even if you do, you will handle it well, and most importantly you make so tasty food no one can ever say no to that, I am sure they will be impressed by you", she said squeezing his hands to which he smiled, "good now let's go we don't want to late do we", she said taking her hands back he started the car and left from there.

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