T w e n t y - t h r e e

156 4 0

10th March 2021

Billie's POV

I just got released from the hospital and I am now on my way to the Grammy fitting. Yeah that's right this bitch is going to show up to the Grammy's on crutches.

We had chosen the outfit over zoom which wasn't ideal but it was better than rushing and ending up not having an outfit for the grammys.

So I also found out yesterday that I am nominated for 6 awards. What the actual fuck. I know 100% I'm not going to win any of them because like I'm up against Ariana and Taylor Swift like cmon be for real.

I also invited El as my plus one. We have been in contact but as friends. I haven't brought up the conversation yet because right now I feel like too much is happening and then add a rejection on that. I dont think I would be able to cope.

I picked out what she was going to wear and told her to come to resizing today with me just in case things need to be altered. The only reason why I chose her outfit out was because she said she would wear a polo shirt or something from her wardrobe like ma'am this is the Grammys no you aren't.

I got into Finn's car gently making sure I didn't nudge my ankle or anything because even though it doesn't hurt as much as it did during the accident, it still hurts like a mother fucker.

This was my first time in a car since the whole accident funny enough we are driving down the same road. Ever since I sat down I couldn't relax. Also really anxious as well. I didn't realise I was crying until finn called my name "Billie!"


"Are you okay? Do you need me to pull over" all I could do was shake my head. We were coming up to the spot where it happened and I'm crying more. From the dent in the barrier of what I hit to the banking of the side of the road where the other car went.

I kept replaying it over and over again. I changed the song to 'karmacoma by massive attack' and put my full attention back on the road. Obviously I drive funnily so I was speeding a little bit but nothing that could have hurt anyone. Then there was this guy. I remember he was trying to race me but I stayed at the pace I was going. He was a couple of Yards in front of me and his tire popped. He skidded into my lane and because I was going like 75 I didn't have time to break so ended up hitting him then the barrier.

"Bil what's going on lovely" El's voice talked through the car speakers "take some deep breathes, okay. I'm outside the building so I'll be waiting for you with open arms. I'm so proud of you and you are completely safe. Finn's driving and everyone in the fandom knows he would do anything to protect you so don't worry okay." I nodded in response forgetting she can't see me

"Thank you" I said but my voice cracked as soon as I tried to speak.

"It's all good sweetheart. I'll see you soon okay. Be brave for me, I love you" with that she hung up. The nickname caught me off guard but her ending the call on I love you was something she hadn't done in ages.

I haven't seen her in person for more than 20 minutes since the day she had a nightmare. She's been busy with being a fire women and I've been busy, well in the hospital.

There was multiple times were she would offer to come and see me and call in sick but every single time I declined. She's worked so hard to get to this place im not going to let her dream job go down the drain because I'm in the hospital I mean who knows I might not even be in her future.

I was on my thoughts the whole ride and as we parked out the building I saw El walking over to us with a massive bouquet of flowers and a smile on her face as soon as we made eye contact.

She opened my door and helped me get out. I still need to master how to get out so I don't look a fool on the red carpet. Matter of fact no one knows what has happened. Everyone just thinks I've gone MIA so that will be a fun little question to answer.

Once I was on both feet me and El both went in for a hug making us both chuckle. We did practically the same thing in the hug except she was whispering things in my ear; like I'm so proud of you, you are so brave. And the last thing she said repeated in my head the whole day.

'I'll never let anyone hurt you again. Not even myself'

Finn made us pull away since he's kind of in a rush. I agreed to meet this Claudia chick afterwards and ever since I said yes he's been on edge. "Cmon cmon we can't be late" he said walking infront of us and opening the door for me.

- Time skip to meeting Claudia (I'm lazy) -

The last five minutes finn has been checking his watch like every couple of seconds. He must really like this girl.

We pulled up to this vegan restaurant and just sat in the car. He pulled down the mirror checking his hair and then leant over to the glove box pulling out a breath freshener spray and chewing gum. He sprayed the freshener in his mouth and then chucked in a chewing gum afterwards and lastly reached under the seat to get deodorant. I think like is an understatement.

A car pulled up a couple of bays away and I swear his voice went 3 octaves higher "alright alright she's here umm" he said running out of the car and opening my door helping me out before we both walked up to her. God she is stunning.

"Finneas!" She exclaimed running up and hugging him seemingly just as excited as he was. "And you must be billie. It's lovely to meet you. Can I hug you?" She questioned and instantly she had brownie points. I nodded and she didn't hesitate

"it's lovely to meet you too. Finn mentioned you were pretty but damnnn you are stunning" I said getting quieter as I realise how creepy the whole conversation is coming off. "Likewise, I think we should just run away together" she chuckled and started walking with me leaving finn walking alone behind us. She opened the door for me and went to find us a table

"I said meet her not flirt with her" finn grumbled as he walked past me. Oops someone seems a little jealous.

-1185 words

A/N: So what do you think about my gfs idea. Personally for me - not enough chaos 😁

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