telling Taylor that you're pregnant (requested)

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You could hardly contain your excitement as you sat on the sofa, waiting for Taylor to arrive home.

You bounced your knee and smiled from ear to ear, unable to hold it back after the results you just got a few minutes ago.

It felt so surreal to think about.

You and Taylor got married a few months ago and since then, you've both been trying to figure out how you could start your own little family together.

You carefully explored your options together and then went with what felt right.

It's taken you and Taylor a couple of rounds of IVF to get these results.

To be honest, though you haven't completely lost hope, your hope has dwindled a little because every negative result has left you feeling crushed.

But today, it was time to check and see if this round worked, and to your surprise - it did.

You took more than one test just to be certain and they all came back positive.

You couldn't be more excited and all you want is for Taylor to get home so you can share the big news with her.

It took a few more minutes before the front door opened and closed as Taylor walked through the door.

"Tay!" You excitedly said as you got up from the couch and hurried over to her.

"Hi, my love!" She laughed as she wrapped her arms around you. "Did you miss me as much as I missed you today?"

"Yes!" You smiled as you pulled away from the hug. "I have something to tell you. I think you're going to love it and you're going to be so happy!"

"Yeah?" She asked as she stared at you with her eyebrows raised. "What's that, darling?"

You took her hand and pulled her up the stairs with you as she laughed over your excitement.

You stepped into the bathroom with her following behind you.

"Okay, close your eyes." You said.

Taylor did as you said and you guided her over to the counter, where the positive pregnancy tests were.

"Okay... open them." You spoke.

She did as you said and looked at the counter, noticing the tests on them.

Her eyes instantly filled with tears as she looked at you, speechless.

"Taylor?" You said after a few seconds of silence.

"They're positive. We're having a baby..." She sniffled. "Baby, we're having a baby. You're pregnant!"

"I know!" You said before she threw her arms around you, giving you the biggest hug that she possibly could.

"It's happening. We're having a baby together. I'm so happy!" She said, smiling through her tears of pure happiness.

You let a couple fall from your eyes as well because it just felt so unreal and too good to be true.

But the tests don't lie, at least not when there's more than one positive result and no negative ones in sight.

"This is it, darling. This is the start of our beautiful family together." She smiled as she pulled away from the hug.

She gently cupped your cheeks before pecking your lips a few times.

"I'm going to be by your side every step of the way. I can't wait for this new chapter of our lives together, my love."

"Me too, Tay. I love you so much."

"I love you more." She said before she kissed the corners of your lips.

She knelt on the floor, raising your shirt slightly before she brushed her lips softly against your stomach.

"And I love you too, baby. No matter what, your mom and I will love you unconditionally; always."

You smiled happily at the sight as she gazed up at you, her soft blue eyes sparkling brightly.

You knew she was going to be the most amazing mom in the world and your baby would be so lucky to have you both.

Taylor Swift Pregnancy Series (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now