she talks to the baby

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Taylor let out a sigh and rubbed her eyes as she reached over and turned the lamp on.

You were sleeping soundly on your back beside her but for some reason, she couldn't get to sleep tonight.

But she didn't have to wonder about what she could do to occupy her mind until she got tired enough to get to sleep.

Over the last couple of nights, she's been obsessed with talking to the baby.

No matter her mood or the time, she takes every opportunity to speak to them, finding that it helps her relax and takes the weight of the world off of her shoulders.

She moved closer to you before kissing your bump, admiring how much bigger it was and how it got bigger with every day that went by.

"Hello in there, baby. Are you doing good today?" She spoke as she brushed her hand across your stomach. "According to the app on my phone, you're about the size of a coconut now!"

She smiled to herself just thinking about how much the baby had grown.

"I can't believe how fast the weeks are going by. It's only about eighteen weeks until you come into the world. We can't wait! We're going shopping for you soon and then I'm going to get the nursery decorated. It's going to be so amazing."

She bit her lip and basked in the warm feeling spreading throughout her chest, her heart fluttering just thinking about everything.

"You're going to be so beautiful and so spoiled. Things can get a little crazy sometimes with my job and my life but just know that your mom and I will always keep you safe. We want you to be happy and no matter who you become or what the future holds, we will always support you."

Taylor looked away from your bump and at you to watch you with loving eyes for a moment as you continued to sleep soundly.

"Your mom is amazing. I've always thought so but watching her during this time has made me appreciate her more. You're going to love her just as much as I do. We're going to love you unconditionally and we will always be here for you. It's going to be a good life, baby, I promise you that. You're going to be so happy and we will do anything to make sure of that."

You stirred slightly as she kissed your stomach.

"We don't have a name for you yet but we will get there soon, I promise. It's going to be as beautiful as you will be."

She kissed your stomach once more, her lips lingering for a few seconds before she gazed at you to make sure you were still asleep.

"You and your mom are my everything. There's nothing I won't do in this world to make sure you two are safe and happy. I'm already writing songs about you. I think I might use your heartbeat as a background for one of the songs one day, I already did that with mine." She grinned. "I love you lots, precious angel. You keep growing, okay? We'll talk more tomorrow."

With a couple more soft kisses, she laid back down beside you and closed her eyes, now feeling pretty sleepy and so content.

And as she drifted off to sleep, you smiled to yourself because you had heard every word of the precious conversation.

You and the baby were so lucky to have her and you just hoped that she knew how truly loved and appreciated she is by you and the baby already.

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