chapter 98

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Daryl was sat next to her, tying up his laces. Marcie reached over and played with the fraying edges of the wings on his back, "Where you goin'?" She mumbled, her voice rough from sleep,

He glanced back at her before reaching over and brushing her hair from her face, "Gotta go do somethin' real quick. I'll be back."

"Wha d'you mean?"

Not like he can hunt here in the city, what kind of errand can he do at this moment? Once Carol wakes up, they'll be out searching for Beth again.

"Just gotta take care of somethin'."

Marcie watched as Daryl left the room, closing the door quietly behind him. 

She laid under the covers, staring at the bed that was above her. Marcie hated just laying there, being alone with her thoughts. She'd rather get up and finish this mission so they could go back to their group.

Do they think they abandoned them? Do they think they were kidnapped? Dead?

Did they move on without them?

Marcie heard shuffling above her and Carol's boots appeared off the side of the top bunk. She slid to the ground and headed over to the window, gazing outside.

"'M sorry." Marcie mumbled quietly, but she knew the older woman heard her.

"For what?" Carol asked, not moving her gaze,

"For Mika... for Lizzie." She placed her hands on her stomach and shifted her head to the side so she could look at Carol, "I was only gone for a minute and ever since the grove, all I could think was.... could I have prevented it? What if I didn't go inside that day, what if I stayed with them?" Tears filled Marcie's eyes, "You loved them, and if I had stayed outside that day, they might still be alive."

She sat up and placed her feet on the ground, "I've noticed a change in you since the prison. You've gotten colder, and I know in this world you have to change in order to survive. But Daryl cares about you. So please don't hurt him for my mistakes."

Carol turned to meet her gaze, "It's not your fault. What happened to Lizzie and Mika. She was waiting for an opportunity, and if it wasn't then, it would've been later down the road. I should've seen it coming, I should've known Lizzie wasn't right in the head."

"You weren't the only one around her. We should've seen it, too." Marcie reasoned,

She gave Marcie a sad smile, "But I was her caretaker. I was around her more than anyone else." Carol moved to kneel in front of Marcie's sitting form, "I don't blame you, Marcie. For any of it."

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