chapter 129

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It had been hours, and no one had come through on the radio. She was hoping they'd come back and lead the rest of the rotters away.

But they weren't answering, and neither was Glenn.

Was anyone out there? Or were they totally alone?

"C'mon, boys." She sighed, grabbing a pair of binoculars and staring out amongst the sky. She was just waiting for a sign, from anybody.

"Marcie?" She looked down to see Ron standing at the bottom of the ladder, "Can I come up?"

She nodded, "Yeah."

The teenager came up and stared out amongst the sea of walkers, seeming shocked, "You haven't seen it, yet." Marcie stated the obvious,

"No." He shook his head, before sighing,  "Enid, she, uh... she used to sneak over the walls, spend time out there. You know, I don't know why. She just wanted to."

Marcie knew why. Those walls were suffocating. And after being out there, fighting to survive, and being locked up in Alexandria, it made you want to leave more. Because the world wasn't like Alexandria anymore.

"But, um... I think she went out there after the attack." Marcie paused and lowered her binoculars,

"What, she's still out there?" She asked, raising her eyebrows,

"Yeah. We don't know where she is. You know, but she knows how to take care of herself. And we can't go out there." Ron explained, "Carl wanted to try. I stopped him. I told him I'd tell you and Rick if he did. I wanted to tell Vivian, but, you know. And then, um- I don't know. I just thought I should tell you..."

"Do you know where he is now?" Marcie asked,

She wouldn't even know how Carl would get past all the walkers. There's no way anyone could sneak around them, it was even worse than the prison.

"Yeah, he's back at the house. I saw him on the porch with Judith." Marcie nodded and moved over towards the ladder, 

"I can keep guard, if you want." Ron offered, 

The girl shook her head, "Down there, they're guarding the place now." No one would dare try to get in with all the walkers surrounding the walls. She wouldn't even know why anyone would want to get in with Alexandria being in the state that it's in, "This is just about keeping an eye out for the others that aren't back, looking for a sign from Glenn."

"All right."

"Thank you." Marcie patted his shoulder and went to leave before he spoke again,

"Um... so I was thinking about what you and Rick said back at the quarry. And, uh, I mean, you're right. I need to know how to protect myself and my mom and brother. This place. So can you teach me how to shoot?"

Marcie stared at him for a moment. She wasn't the best teacher, especially when it came to guns. Rick was the best to ask, but since he was the one to kill Ron's father, she assumed Ron was too nervous to ask him,

She nodded and grabbed her gun, handing it over to the kid, "There's your target," She pointed to a rotter wearing a red shirt, "Show me how you hold a gun."

After giving Ron a little gun training, Marcie went to go bring food to the infirmary. Carol had made a casserole that was untouched thanks to the attack, and Marcie knew the kids and Denise might be getting hungry.

"How's she doin'?" Marcie asked as she handed Liam a plate and a fork,

"She made it through the surgery." Debbie mumbled quietly, acting the complete opposite of how she usually does, "Lost a lot of blood, though. Says she needs to be monitored."

"She's tough." Marcie gave her a comforting smile before handing her some food, "She'll pull though.

"I thought she was dead." The redhead stated, "I thought she left us again."

The woman shook her head, "She wouldn't do that. Not after she just found you. Now eat, and rest. We aren't out of the woods yet." She was about to leave when she turned to Debbie, "Have you seen Carl?"

The girl nodded, "He was here with Judy earlier."

So he didn't go over the wall after Enid, good. One less person for Marcie to worry about.

"Okay, thanks."

The sun had gone down, Marcie noticed as she walked outside the infirmary. Most lights both inside and outside the houses were off, to try and trick the walkers into thinking there was no one inside the walls.

Marcie didn't see Rick until after she closed the door. He was standing on the porch, gripping the railing tightly.

"She's alive." Marcie told him, "Not out of the woods, yet, but she's alive."

Rick nodded, not turning to look at her, "Good.... good."

"Debbie said one of those people broke into the house, and Vivian made her and Liam hide. She went to go find Carl and Judith, but after they heard a gunshot Debbie went downstairs to find her bleeding on the ground. She thought Vivian was dead but... Finn came back and got her to Denise." Marcie approached her friend and squeezed his arm, "It's not on you, Rick. I know you blame yourself, but if she wasn't there, those kids would be dead. You kept her here to do a job, and she did it."

He lowered his head in defeat. Marcie knew he cared about Vivian, and after getting in Alexandria, he tried not to show it. While she pulled away physically, Rick pulled away emotionally.

"Don't pull away from her, Rick. You need each other. You've both been there for each other since the start, she got us out of that damn tank. And... I don't know why you've treated her like shit since we got here, but it's not cool. We all know you care about her, and in this world, you gotta take any chance you've got to be happy." Marcie told him before walking down the steps, "You should go see her. Maybe it would do you both some good."

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