Chapter 9: Bruce Dalton

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June couldn't be sexier than when she's talking about something she loves. I have heard her talk about her job many times before. For a long time, it's been her whole life, so hearing her talking about it isn't unusual. Besides her complaining about everyday life, that's what she talks about.

I love the way that she's passionate. The way that she gets so excited she practically bounces out of her seat when she's explaining her ideas. The way her arms wave around is part of her explaining her passion.

She went on for five minutes straight, talking about the Devil's Rose MC, and I didn't understand half of what she was saying. It didn't matter to me though. I could barely focus on what she was saying anyway, to be honest. Not because I don't find her interesting but watching her be so excited kind of took my attention away.

After lunch, she wasn't exactly in the mood to do anything, so we decided it would be best to spend the day inside and watch more TV than I ever watched in my life. I don't mind watching TV, but I don't go out of my way to watch it.

June goes out of her way to watch it. There is always something else that she wants to watch, and she designates time for it. I'm surprised she hasn't watched everything on Netflix. But I'm happy to sit down next to her and watch her watch TV. She's so fucking invested. Way too fucking cute.

"There's something I've been wondering about you, Bruce," June admits as the episode of her show finishes.

"Why do they call you Vegas? It's your road name, one designated to you and a sacred name. There has to be meaning behind it. You've never told me."

"You know the song Sin City by AC/DC? Well, when Tank and I first got here, I asked one of the Devil's Rose MC members who's no longer here for the song. It was a song request, and since Sin City is a name for Vegas, it just kinda stuck."

"So road names don't necessarily have to be because of some deed done or where you come from or something? They can be from anything?"

"Any moment or thing in your life that impacted you, yeah. That was the first time I ever met a Devil's Rose member, and it changed my life. But it depends. Some are more lighthearted than others. Carbon got his road name because he was a chemistry major but Reaper got his because of well, the Grim Reaper."

"So he's killed a lot of people."

"He's collected quite a few souls in his time."

"And is it okay that you're telling me the reasons they got their names? Or is that sacred too?"

"Not as more sacred as the names themselves. Don't go spreading it around that you know, but it's not the most hidden thing."

"And everyone in the Devil's Rose knows your real name?"

"Not everyone. Just the people that were there to know me before my road name."

"Other people that know your real name keep it hidden?"


"On top of the sacredness of your road name, your real name is also sacred?"

"For a different reason. To have a road name, you spend some time building trust and loyalty to Devil's Rose, or any MC for that matter as far as I know. Road names are part of our loyalty, of leaving behind some parts of ourselves to designate our lives to the MC.

"Real names are sacred because that's another part of our identity. Every one of us got here because of something. Real names represent that, and we show that part of ourselves to people we want to."

"I see. So me knowing your real name shows your ability to be more vulnerable with me."

"It's more about relationship intimacy. We're all vulnerable with one another in Devil's Rose but real names are for those we love."

Vegas: Devil's Rose #9Where stories live. Discover now