Chapter 14: Bruce Dalton

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But she can't know that right now.

"What is going on with you and Nora anyway? You haven't talked about her in a while," I mention, sort of wanting the conversation to steer away from me.

She gets the message and directs the conversation toward herself.

"We've sorta drifted. I was moving around a lot, as you know, and she's been doing her NASA thing in the Jet Propulsion Lab in California, so it's been hard to connect."

"Do you miss talking to her?"

"Yeah, of course. We used to do a lot together. I mean, you remember us from college."

"How could I forget?"

They were fucking hectic as all hell. They didn't put themselves in dangerous situations or anything, but they were everywhere all at once. I don't know how to describe it. They were doing classes, research, partying, studying, and doing about a thousand karaoke nights.

And somehow in between they fit in time for dates, although horrible as they may have seemed, and got incredibly good grades. When they were together, it was like no one could stop them.

They were stuck like glue to one another, and it was almost as if they had known each other their whole lives when they had only known each other since freshman year of college.

"Would you want to reach out to her? Connect with her again?"

June sits on the question for a minute, staring down at our connected hands resting in my lap.

"I would like to, but what if it's too late? I know she's doing her own thing, and I don't want her to feel held back by our relationship. If she's ready to move on, that's okay."

"Ah, so you're scared that she has. And you aren't ready to feel that hurt if she didn't want to be as close to you as you once were."

"I mean, wouldn't you, Bruce? I don't want to be rejected like that. No one does."

"I'm not disagreeing with you. I just think that maybe you need to try to reach out."

Instead of replying, she turns on Top Gun Maverick.

Oh, fuck.

She keeps her eyes on the movie screen, but I know that she isn't paying much attention. What's going on in the movie has nothing to do with what's on her mind. I know that she's feeling like everything is falling apart around her, and I can't blame her.

Maybe it wasn't the best idea to bring up Nora. But I also think that Nora is someone who can help her through what's happening in her life. I'm sure that Nora would appreciate June reaching out, and if anything, their relationship would be stronger than ever. I think Nora is just as nervous to talk to June; they have the same fear.

It's clear to me that June isn't ready for more professional help, and that's okay. She doesn't have to be. I also don't want her feeling like she's going through these big decisions by herself. And with her love life, we both know I'm not the right person for her to talk to. She needs more guidance than what I can objectively offer.

With the Rex situation, I'm not exactly sure how to approach that either. She needs someone who understands her in a way I never will.

I know a lot about June, and I care about her more than she knows, but I'm also not a woman. I'm also not a person who has to deal with that type of situation with a man. I am privileged to say that.

I also killed the guy. June already knows my opinion and feelings about Rex and how she should go forward. Not that I've blatantly told her, but I think the killing part communicated all I needed to communicate.

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