Chapter 1

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"Aria, to the right. To the right", the photographer tells me.

I look to the right and make sure my smile is still in place, so that the pictures look good. It seems to work since the photographer now looks pleased and keeps telling "Wonderful" or "How beautiful".

He takes the shots he needs then tells me I can go change into the next gown. I nod and walk to the fitting room, where the stylists are already waiting for me with the new dress. And where my vanilla latte is waiting. People clearly underestimate how tiring taking pictures is. I've been in here for a few hours, and all I've been doing is smiling and looking pretty for the camera.

"This dress will make you look like a princess", one of them says, helping me open the corset of the gown currently on me and change in the next one. It's a silvery dress with a huge tulle skirt, that makes me rather look like a mirror ball. However, I don't really mind and let the stylists do their thing.

Jay enters the room shortly after. He is an influencer like me, and the one We Fashion chose to be my partner for today's photoshoot. They got him all the way from London, just for today. I don't want to imagine how much they paid him to come.

"I heard a rumor you New Yorkers have something for coffee", he tells me smiling, pointing at the coffee cup in my hand. The one that has "Aria" written on it. I even drew a heart next to the name. I always draw hearts on my Starbucks cups.

"Well, this New Yorker only functions thanks to coffee", I reply, smiling bright, taking another sip if only to prove it to him.

He chuckles and takes a sit on one of the chairs in front of the lighten mirrors, a handful of stylists immediately coming to work on his hair. I am only in my lingerie and a robe around me, waiting for the next gown, as the stylists make me a sign to take a sit on the chair next to Jay and they start changing my makeup and hairstyles. My blonde waves which were falling freely down my shoulders before are now put up in a bun, and they start adding some glitter on my eyelids.

"You seem to be a pro", Jay comments, looking at how I don't make a move as the stylists fuss around me.

"I wouldn't say that", I reply. I've started my account a few years ago, as I finished high school and went to college. I would post some videos of my makeup routine, my mornings or some outfit recommendations at first. I never expected to be asked by different fashion houses to model for them, or to be invited at events. I am rather new in this whole thing.

"Oh, come on. You clearly got this," he counters with a wink. If he didn't have a wife, I'd say he is flirting with me. "Are you planning on doing this in the future?"

"What do you mean?", I ask him. This guy is casually asking me about my existential crisis, the one I had at least four mental breakdowns about and made me double my yoga sessions.

"I mean, let's face it. You're young. You have your whole life ahead of you. Do you want to keep modelling?"

Someone take me out of here.

"No", I answer sincere. "I mean, I don't know. I love being an influencer, but modelling isn't really something for me."

"Too much drama?", he asks me knowingly.

I have to let out a short laugh. "No, drama actually happens to love me. But too much stress." I rest my head against the back of the chair. "I am actually searching for a job right now."

"You are?", he asks me surprised.

I start nodding. Welcome yoga session number three.

Jay pulls out his phone and opens his Instagram. It's then he searches something in his saved posts, then hands me the phone.

"What is this?", I ask him curious, staring at the post. It's a banner saying: "We want you". Then, underneath, written on top of a picture of a fancy car, stands: "Are you a content creator, do you like travelling and are you searching for something new? Why not join our new team of social media experts at APOLLO Cars. Meet new people, see the world and become part of the F1 world as you work for us to improve our account. If you're interested, send us an email with your filled application form (check our website), CV and some details about your social media account until the 29th of April. Looking forward to meeting you. Your APOLLO team."

"I wanted to apply, only it's a bit too much travelling for me. My wife is expecting and I need to stay home and be there for her", Jay continues.

I look up at him, thanking Queen Tay and the universe for making We Fashion ask me to model for them today and sending Jay in my way.

Do I have any idea about APOLLO Cars? Not a clue.

Do I know anything about F1? Even less of a clue.

Am I going to apply to their social media program? Hundred percent.

"Jay, you're a genius", I tell him, smiling above both ears. "I'll buy you any Starbucks drink you want. Anything at all. Name it and it's yours."

"Thanks, I'll keep that in mind", he says chuckling.

"Can you please stop talking?", one of the stylists says.

I can't help but laugh at that, earning me a death stare in the mirror.

"Alright, sorry", I whisper.

The smile doesn't disappear from my lips as they keep adding blush and I keep thinking I finally found a direction again.  

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