Chapter 2

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"Okay, Ollie, we got this", I tell him, placing him on the table next to me. Ollie stares at me through his blue glittery eyes, and I take a deep breath, pulling my laptop closer to me so I can start typing. Taylor Swift plays in the background, a bowl of instant noodle somewhere on the table together with, you guessed it, coffee.

I quickly snap a picture and caption it "late night mood".

I open the website of APOLLO cars, a picture of a blonde guy with some icy-blue eyes standing next to a brown-hair guy with some dark eyes welcoming me. I skip through that and click on the banner of the social media program and download the application form, opening it in an editing program.

The first part is easy. Name: Aria Grant, birthday: 12th of May, age: 23 years old and current place of residence: New York. I also speed through the questions about my life. Where was I born, if I graduated college and so on. I don't start telling them my whole life story, only that I graduated college few months ago after a four-year marketing major at Wrencore University in New York and one year spent abroad in Paris. Seems enough to me.

The second part is where things start getting more complicated.


Do obsessing over Taylor Swift while having coffee issues and spending all my money on plush animals count as hobbies?

"Oh Ollie", I tell one of my above-named plushies. "I guess I'm screwed."

Smiling happily I take a mouthful of noodles and start typing. "My hobbies include taking pictures, listening to music and painting."

The fact I usually paint ceramics, I keep out of there.

Next question: This job includes much travelling, since you'll have to attend multiple Grand Prix. Would that be a problem?

"No, that wouldn't pose a problem. I love travelling and would enjoy seeing the world while attending the races."

The last question is the best one. Why do you want this job?


"I am rather interested in discovering new domains, and since I have always wanted to learn more about Formula One, this job fits my desires perfectly. Having the chance to continue my passion for taking pictures and creating content only comes as a bonus."

"Ollie", I whisper to him, taking my white cat plushie at my chest and giving it a kiss on its forehead. "I don't think we're getting the job. Mommy is a liar."

The only thing left to do is press send and hope for the best.

and we chasedOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz