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Anna walked down the hall towards the next class when Jacob ran beside her

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Anna walked down the hall towards the next class when Jacob ran beside her. "What do you have next?" He asked and Anna showed him her schedule. "Too bad I have gym next, do you want to join us for lunch?" Jacob asked Anna with a smile on his face and she turned to look at him. "Perhaps." She replied with a smile and Jacob went in a different direction. She turned around and Mike was standing in front of her, smiling. "Oh, hey Mike." Anna said surprised. "Hey Annabelle, what's next for you?" Mike asked, looking at the schedule that Anna was showing him. Not creepy at all. Anna thought and Mike told her that he has the same classes, so they started walking to class together. They entered the class and the teacher greeted them. They went to the back of the class to sit and Anna put her notebook and pen on the table. Mike was staring at her and Anna felt his gaze. "What?" Anna asked with a small smile. "Where are you from?" Mike asked thoughtfully. "I was born here in La Push... we moved away when I was six and lived in California and now my brother and I moved back." Anna told and Mike nodded to show that he was listening. "How about you?" Anna asked looking at Mike. "I moved here a year ago from Alaska." Mike told and Anna nodded. "I live here with my mother and my brother stayed in Alaska." Mike continued. "How old is he?" Anna asked. Mike looked at the teacher who was writing notes on the board. "He's a year older than me." Mike answered and looked at Anna. "What about your brother?" Anna wrote notes and looked to her side. "He's two years older than us, he's also here at school." Anna told and Mike nodded to her.

The bell rang and Anna packed her backpack. Mike stood up, putting his backpack on his shoulder, and waited for Anna. She threw her backpack over her shoulder and took off coat and started walking until she bumped into someone. "Sorry." The boy said looking down and scratching his head. Anna smiled and continued to the door with Mike behind her. "Will you come to the school cafeteria with me?" Anna asked, looking down at her feet. "I think I'll skip it and go to the school library." Mike said with a smile and they stopped. "Okay, see you later." Anna said looking behind Mike. Mike also turned to look at the person standing behind him. "Anna?" Ben spoke and narrowed his eyes at the boy who was with his sister. Anna looked at her brother and Mike looked at Anna. "Okay I'll go now, see you later." Mike said with a smile and left. Anna rolled her eyes at her brother who grinned at her. "Who was he?" Ben asked putting his hand on his sister's shoulders and started to lead her to the school cafeteria. "One of the ones who wanted to get to know me and be with me on the first day of school that you scared away." Anna said and they arrived at the doors of the cafeteria. Ben grinned and opened the doors. "I'm going to scare every boy who tries to be near my sister." Ben said with a grin and they walked inside. Many students stared at them, the boys stared at Anna and the girls at Ben. "Do you feel their gaze?" Ben asked with a small grin on his face and Anna just rolled her eyes, they walked and Anna saw Jacob sitting with his friends at the table. One of them bumped into her earlier. The boy had long hair like Jacob. Jacob and his friends also turned to look at Anna and her brother who were walking in the middle of the cafeteria. Anna gave Jake a small wave and he smiled back. Ben raised an eyebrow and looked at his sister questioningly. "And who is that long braid?" Ben looked towards the table where Jacob and his friends were sitting. "He's Jacob Black. I met him earlier in history class." Anna replied and looked away.
"Oh, that Jacob Black." Ben said aloud and they went to sit at the table. "Yes, he also told me about Bella who moved away and moved back to Forks a year ago." Anna said looking at her lunch box. "Interesting." Ben grumbled aloud and put the apple in his mouth. "That Jacob is staring at you." Ben said pointing his eyes at their desk. Anna glanced behind her and Jacob smiled. "Yeah, he asked me to sit with them earlier." Anna shrugged. Ben looked at Jacob who caught the look and looked away.

The lunch hour was over and they walked down the hall and Anna went to find her next classes. Anna saw Jacob and his friends standing in the hallway. Jacob noticed Anna and was coming to her but Mike appeared next to her. "What's up?" Mike asked her while looking at Jacob who narrowed his eyes at him. Anna noticed this and turned to look completely at Mike. "What was that? Do you know each other?" She asked and Mike turned his eyes at her. "I don't or well yeah. It was just a little thing in the hallway he's been staring at me ever since." Mike said looking at Anna who raised an eyebrow but nodded anyway. "I heard there's some small party on the beach on Friday." Mike said leading Anna to the next class they had together. "Party? Are you going?" Anna asked looking at Mike who was staring down. "No, I don't really like going to La Push beach." Mike said opening the door for Anna. "Why not?" Anna asked raising an eyebrow as they walked over to sit at the table. Mike put his jacket on the chairs back with his backpack and was quiet for a moment. "Beach parties are not really my thing." Mike said honestly. "Oh." Anna replied with a nod.

The classes ended and they took their things and left. "See you. tomorrow?" Mike asked and Anna smiled at him. "See you tomorrow." Anna continued her way out to the car. Ben hadn't arrived yet but Anna went to wait for him. Jacob walked beside her and Anna stopped. "Hey Jake." Anna greeted and Jacob looked at her. "Hey, how was your first day?" Jacob asked her. "It went well I met Mike, we have many lessons together." Anna said looking at her shoes. Jacob looked the other way. "Great, are you coming to the beach party on Friday?" Jacob asked looking into Anna's eyes. "I just heard about it so I don't know yet." Anna said and Jacob nodded. "We are going, you can come with us if you want." Jacob pointed to his friends and Anna turned to see when the two boys waved at her, one shyly and the other with a big smile. Anna gave them a small smile and looked at Jacob. "I will think about it." He nodded and Ben arrived. "Let's go." Ben said looking at Anna and glaring at Jacob while he walked past them to the car. Anna smiled at Jacob and walked to the car.

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