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A few solid hits to Lennox's body and Orian was gaining the upper hand. Even if this was playful sparring, there was no need to go light on his brother.

Every time either caught Lillith glancing their way, the competitive nature of one another increased, trying to show off.

It was amazing that Lennox hadn't whipped his shirt off for extra points already.

Since the arrival of their fairy, nothing had gone smoothly. Issue after issue had crept into their once routine little bubble the brothers shared and for the first time in his life, Orian was starting to feel out of place.

A little jumbled and certainly not appreciating the sensation. Too many questions were swirling in his head over what she was. What she could grow to be. What the next threat posed to their mate was?

And on top of that, his very nature was becoming an issue to control. The demon inside him, the creature beneath his skin wanted out to claim its mate. To take her for itself and snap sharp teeth at anyone who tried to get in the way. Even with her younger sister here, it was another problem. Another person to steal her time away from him, her attention away, as selfish as it sounded even just to himself.

Ducking and parrying the once wooden sword that had now threads of heat and fire coursing through it, sparks flew from the blow that landed against Orian's forearm. "Cheating."

Lennox smirked at him, an infuriating carefree little grin Orian wanted to wipe off. "It's not cheating if I win. It's simple strategy. You know that."

"I know you slept with a teddy until you were nine." Orian shot back.

There went the smirk.

"You promised you would never bring that up!"

Mr Squishy, his demon so helpfully provided.

"What was it's name again? A Mr? Or was it Mrs?" Now it was his own turn to give a grin, Orian's scarred lip pulling tight as he flashed pearly white fangs in return and launched his own attack in retaliation. The blackened sword in his hand reshaped, twisted by the smoke and fog as he imagined something more dangerous. Something more fun to use.

A serrated axe. They were easier for the likes of Orian to wield with his power and strength. Not as fun as his scythe, but Betty only came out in times of war.

Forcing Lennox back with a shove, Orian's foot planted into his twin's chest and in true Spartan style, kicked him back onto his ass.

In a flurry of limbs and yellow flames of outrage, his twin kissed the granite floor. "Round one to me. You know better than to try up close combat against me." Lennox was good at it. Orian was better. His smoke could tunnel into a body, choke them from the inside out, overwhelm their entire being until nothing was felt but cloying death.

Lennox's fire took up space and he excelled at open area attacks. Not the best perk to have when you were training in a box shaped centre and couldn't let particularly loose.

"Technically, it's Lilly's win. You're just the stand in."

Reaching for one another, Orian pulled the golden haired twin to his feet, the heat of his brother's hand burning his own skin slightly. Adrenaline had turned the demon into a thermal disaster he gave off so much heat.

There was the pitter pat of small footsteps coming over to them. Lennox jerked his chin to let Orian know company was swiftly approaching once again before his brother pulled the bottom of his shirt down and made a show of dabbing his face as if sweaty.

Lavender (2) : Sons of the DeveauxWhere stories live. Discover now