Chapter 6.5

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"No?" His head tilted slightly, eyes on the way her mouth formed the words. The ceremony was just around the corner, she would be their little fairy wife within the coming days and then the real challenges would begin. The life of a princess, the expectations Lennox and himself would face as husbands. Mates.

My mate... The shadow inside him sighed as if content with the very thought. Watching her, Orian moved his hand to cup her jaw, his thumb brushing over her lower lip and smudging black against pale skin. A breath shuddered over his thumb and a smile graced his face again. She was nervous. Good because so was he.

Fucking Hell, a demon of his stature really should have more balls than this when it came to the female population.

"Orian?" His fairy's eyes were a touch too bright, her pupils growing rounder as he watched.

"Mhm?" Not entirely paying attention. Rather his grip was drifting around to the back of her neck, the soft delicate scent of lavender drifting into the air around him. He knew that scent.

He had put a star beside it in his notebook in reading her emotions. Lavender had quickly became his favourite scent on her. Along with it was the flush over her cheeks, the way her mouth parted enough to draw in another breath.

Without thinking, Orian rose up from his chair enough to fasten his mouth to hers, his large frame turning them to crowd her in against the desk. A soft noise left her that had tendrils of fog drifting up from his body. Her dainty hands ran up his chest boldly while his tongue swept into her mouth and took over.

Demanded everything and anything she had to give. Her breath. Her taste. The prettiest fucking moans he ever heard. All of it was his right now.

Dipping slightly, he scooped his mate off her feet to sit her on the desk, encouraging her thighs around his hips while papers fell to the ground. Any thoughts of artwork was long gone. All that consumed his mind was the feel of her. The sensations and need she drove up within him.

His mate. His.

He didn't want to wait anymore. He didn't want to keep himself in check anymore. Orian wanted to claim her and he was going to do exactly that. Slinking his finger through her silvery hair, Orian grasped a handful of the length, wrapping it around his fist and eased her head back despite her protests and the grip on his shirt for more kisses.

"Needy little fairy. Relax for me stardust, I've got you." His mouth trailed a hot path over her jaw, down her throat where he felt her pulse beating so heavily.

A delicious thump thump thump against his teeth that ached to sink through soft skin and feel the gush of her blood down his throat. To let her sink so deeply through him, into his bones and never leave.

His mother had always said there was a difference in being mated and being in love, but Orian couldn't find it. He was hopelessly infatuated with the fairy. He wanted everything she had, body and soul and so badly wanted her to take the same from him. Take everything from him because he was willing to give it to her. Only to her.

Take every part of his blackened soul, every scale off his body and every sharp edge of his self and let her weave them together into something new. Into something that was them instead of him.

"Orian.. Are we reh-really gona..-"

"Yeah, fairy. We really are." Because he was going to drop off the fucking deep end if he didn't get inside her. They'd been good. They had hardly done anything but the need was too strong. There was only so much fight you could put up against the mating bond. Against the call that came from the very core of his being, from the need of his demonic side.

Lavender (2) : Sons of the DeveauxWhere stories live. Discover now