Chapter Four

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As it turned out, travelling through Hell was easier than realm jumping. It was one doorway into another.

With her bags packed– all two of them –and Mirabell holding her hand, Lilly watched Lennox step forward first. The gold demon reached out to press his palm against the wood panelling of what otherwise looked to be a perfectly normal brown wooden door. Small golden runes taking to life, ingrained on the surface and burning a bright white.

She was always fascinated with how their magic worked, how they could do such things in comparison to herself. Just how many enchantments and versions of magic were there out there in all the realms?

"Okay ladies, you're going to feel maybe a bit woozy after this but that's no big deal. Nobody is going to blow chunks in the royal household, lest the staff have a coronary."

Lilly had to smile. Lennox had such a way with words it made her actually feel soothed despite everything. It was easy, everything was always lighthearted with him. His unusual methods were growing on her daily the more time they spent together. Even in the little glances he slipped her when he thought nobody was looking.

Lennox never talked much about himself in depth. Not his likes or dislikes. Not where his abilities came from or what powered them. Even Orian kept things hushed about his unique magic, why he had scales move over his skin compared to his twins flawless one. Maybe his demon was closer to the surface than he liked to say.

Soon, Lilly would discover just how her husbands to be ticked below the surface more. They knew her secrets now. She had shared enough of herself and slowly, was finding her feet in this new life.

A life her sister would never experience. Tears stung the back of her eyes at the mere thought of Genevieve. Her heart ached like a piece of it was missing, despite Mirabell being at her side.

As Lennox stepped forward into the shining doorway, the runes turned red and lept to firey life. A blaze of orange and yellows welcoming him home through the gates.

Next was Orian. With a gentle smile on his usually stoic and scarred face, he lifted her baggage and trudged ahead. The runes turned black, emitting a fog and smoke as he passed through before turning white again as though it could see their very auras as they went.

"Are we really going to do this, Lilly? Are we really going into Hell?"

"Mhm. We are." Her lavender eyes met the yellow of her sisters. She was the eldest now. She had a duty to protect what little family she had both discovered and remained with her. "Th-theres no going bah-back."

Gripping her sister's hand tightly, Lillith passed through the gateway with Mirabell in tow, her head high, her shoulders back. There was no more dragging around traumas of the past and self pity. There could be no more days berating herself for things that could have been done better.

Now, there was only one thought in Lilly's head as the runes shone a mix of starlight white and sunshine gold in their step.

To find answers. To understand who she was in this realm. To give her sister the revenge she deserved.

To be Lillith Serpentine. A princess of Hell.

There was nobody holding her back. Only hands guiding her forward into a future filled with danger, adventure and warm nights between her mates when the time came.

She could do this. She would do this. And the Gods help anyone who got in her way.


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